Full Access rights and Lightbox Full Access rights and Lightbox


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Full Access rights and Lightbox

Started by danibo, November 13, 2006, 09:10:54 PM

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I installed the plugins "Full Size Access" and Light-Box.

With the Full Size Access I controll that only Registered Users can see and download the full size pictures. Guest are alowed to see only the previews.(medium size 400x600pix)
This tool for itself works fine.
But in combination with the wonderful Lightboxtool guests have the possibillity to put the pictures to the Lightbox/MyFavorites and download the Full-Size Image(s) as a zip.

Can you configure cpg, that the guest only can donwload the medium-size pix as a zip and not the full-size one.




$filelist[] = $rowset[$key]['filepath'].$rowset[$key]['filename'];

change to

if (USER_ID){
$filelist[] = $rowset[$key]['filepath'].$rowset[$key]['filename'];
} else {
$filelist[] = $rowset[$key]['filepath']. $CONFIG['normal_pfx'].$rowset[$key]['filename'];


Thanks. Great job.
It works wonderful as long as your albums are public.

But I have some albums where everybody has to login.
There are to main users.
The ones, which  are only allowed to see the previews(normal_) and the others which are allowed to download/see the full-size image.

I organized it as follows.

The users with the fullsizedowload right have the following configuration:
In the dropdownmenu they belong to Registered
and the group  they have access ist marked.

The users with only-preview(normal_)-rights have the following configuration:
In the dropdownmenu they belong to Guests
and the group  they have access ist marked.

When you do not install a download-link and disable zipdownlaod this configuration works well to separate the rights to this two kind of users.

But as soon as you enable zipdownload the "only-preview-users" have the possibility to download the fullsize-image.

If needed I give you access to my configuration.
