SMF 1.1 RC3 - CPG1410 (1st time bridge) SMF 1.1 RC3 - CPG1410 (1st time bridge)


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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SMF 1.1 RC3 - CPG1410 (1st time bridge)

Started by hoss021, November 22, 2006, 10:04:31 PM

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I have the following issue when trying to bridge coppermine and XXX:
[error message here]

Coppermine install:
Forum install:
Coppermine version: cpg1.4.10
Forum version: SMF 1.1RC3
Test user account: test101/ test101  (yes they are both the same)

BridgeManager settings:
Forum URL:
Relative path to your BBS's config file:  ../forum/ 
Use post-based groups?:  0
Cookie name/preifx (if applicable)

My problem consists of the setting.php location
I have specified the location of the setting.php file, and I've tried this by the full path, even the "../forum/" location as well, either way I even tried to change my sql file to reflect this location and unable to complete this bridge...
Right now the test account has been setup for my bulletin board and coppermine gallery with the same account...
If there is anything else please reply back,
Thank you for your help or support to my problem :)


I have one more question now....

Now that it has been integrated...
is there any kind of mods or add on's to put a gallery link or photo album link
onto my smf 1.1rc3 board?


One question per thread. Don't ask about SMF here, this is the Coppermine support board. I assume your issue is resolved ?

Joachim Müller