Photoshop with Paypal plugin Photoshop with Paypal plugin


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Photoshop with Paypal plugin

Started by julala, November 27, 2006, 03:52:05 PM

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Hi folks

I am using Straam's photoshop plugin on my gallery and wanted to force the user to pay with paypal before the order was confirmed.  IPN was the obvious answer but as I am no coding expert and couldn't figure out where to put the IPN code in the checkout page I came up with some super-easy adjustments for the "codingly challenged".  It's nowhere near ideal but might be a useful work around for someone like has been for me.

I changed the language file as follows:

'email_sent' => 'Please complete you order by paying by credit card or paypal. <br>Your order will be processed after payment!',

Thus indicating that they should pay now if they want their order to be processed.

I also disabled the "email the user" bit of code because I didn't want to confuse them if they had chosen not to complete the order by paying.  They will receive a receipt from paypal anyway instead.

//now email the user
//if(photoshop_email_the_user($lang_photoshop_email_order, $lang_photoshop['email_subject_order']))

(Note that there is a little { that needs moving down to the next line when you comment out the code otherwise it stops working)

Obviously even if they choose not to complete the order by paying, the order is still entered into the shop admin - but I can assume that they do not wish to complete the order and delete it.

It's terribly crude but works for me.

Why do this?  Well I was getting alot of orders and then having to invoice people through paypal who then they change their mind and not pay.  Just waste of time really so I wanted to indicate to people that they must pay to complete their order.

If anyone would like to code the proper way to do this by paypal IPN I have posted a request in the freelancer thread.