ChaoticSoul - Theme for CPG.1.4x and WordPress 2.x ChaoticSoul - Theme for CPG.1.4x and WordPress 2.x


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ChaoticSoul - Theme for CPG.1.4x and WordPress 2.x

Started by Gizmo, December 30, 2006, 03:39:50 PM

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Hi All and Happy New Year!

It's been a while since I've posted a new theme but with the holiday season winding down, I've found some free time to work on a new theme. This one is called ChaoticSoul by Bryan Veloso. It's a nice dark theme to which I've added some cool features. This theme should be fully compatible with most of the major browsers (I tested it with FF (1.5x & 2.0), IE (6.x & 7.x) and Safari at various monitor resolutions) and the width will accommodate monitor sizes from 1024 on up without having to horizontal scroll.

I've overwritten some of the configuration settings by using variables in the theme.php file and added a new variable for retrieving the album description (see below for more!). The reason for this is to prevent the standard settings in the Configuration tables set by you from "breaking" the theme. These changes are:

// These parameters overide what the user inputs in the Configuration setup to prevent the theme from breaking.
$CONFIG['max_film_strip_items'] = 5; //overrides the number of thumbnails.
$CONFIG['thumbcols'] = 4; //overrides the number of columns for thumbnails.
$CONFIG['main_table_width'] = '100%'; //overrides the Width of the main table (pixels or %).
$CONFIG['picture_table_width'] = '100%'; //overrides the Width of the table for file display (pixels or %).
$CONFIG['album_list_cols'] = 2; // sets "Number of columns for the album list = 3"
$CONFIG['first_level'] = 0; //sets "Show first level album thumbnails in categories = no".
$album_desc = get_album_desc($_GET[album]);

I've added two features to this theme. One is an album description truncation function added to the theme.php file. When viewing the index or categories pages, albums with long descriptions can make the page look cluttered. This function will truncate the description to a set number of characters (default is 30) and add a set of padding characters (...) to the end to alert the visitor that there's more text. When you view the album, the full description is printed at the top of the page. To edit the number of characters in the truncated album description, find in 2 places in the theme.php file - '{ALB_DESC}' => myTruncate($album['album_desc'], 30, " "), and change the number (30) to any length you desire. For this theme, I have it set to give a single line of text which provides a nice look to the theme. You can also change the padding characters (...) to any other set of characters by editing function myTruncate($string, $limit, $break=".", $pad="...") in the theme.php file.

The other enhancement is the addition of a frame around the photo when viewing intermediate images. This was added from a post by dereksurfs - and is very cool. Many thanks Derek for working this out and sharing!  :D

Please enjoy this theme and all I ask is that you keep the credit line in the template.html to help support my efforts to develop and port themes for Coppermine.


Gizmo  :D
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision

Joachim Müller

Demo - Download Download

The {CUSTOM_HEADER} token should reside outside the first wrapper div and right after the body tag. I changed this on the demo page.

Outstanding work!


Thanks for this very cool theme. :)

However i faced some problem when i tried to update the header, link etc. The back ground was gone and the layout went hay wire, as in the side menu became at the bottom of the page. Any idea why is this so?


Well, without a link to your troubled theme, it's a wild guess but here goes. First, the header is actually 2 images as defined in the below css code.

.image_header {
background: #22201d url('images/image_left.png');
border: 1px solid #363430;
height: 149px;
width: 421px;

.bkgleft { background: url('images/image_left.jpg'); float: left; }
.bkgright { background: url('images/image_right.jpg'); float: right; }

What you need to do is make sure that your images are the same size as the above otherwise it might cause the issues that you're experiencing. If this isn't the problem, you'll need to post a link.
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


Thanks very much for your reply :)

Im actually refering to how to change the links and gallery roll. Cos the theme came with defualt list and im trying to change it by editing the template.htm but whenever i edit the gallery will changed to white background


Use a text editor to change the file, not a fancy html editor.



This is not related to your issue but there is a minor issue with admin menu in this theme

under theme.php (line 119)

<li><a href="util.php" title="{UTIL_TITLE}">{UTIL_LNK}</a></td>

should be

<li><a href="util.php" title="{UTIL_TITLE}">{UTIL_LNK}</a></li>
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Pascal YAP


Nice Theme  ;)

But there're some cosmetic issues.

1/ Work well with Firefox, but with very small characters (HERE)

2/ Under IE 6.x, it's a nightmare !
Nothing on the right place (i compare vs FF)

I have not an esoteric PC-confic...(local)
It's very strange those differency beetween this two browsers !

[edit] it's appear, this one theme is not fully compatible with old cpg 1.4.x, but with 1.4.10  ??? Can'nt understand  ???



Thanks Sami, I saw that mistake the other night. I'll be correcting that and also adding a bit of code to handle the large intermediate images in the demo.

Hi PYAP, in the sites and browsers that I've tested the theme on as well the CPG demo site, it seems to be working fine. Not sure what the issues are in your IE6 install but it also looks bad in IE7. Shall we work on this to see what that problem is?
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision

Pascal YAP

QuoteShall we work on this to see what that problem is?
Yes of course.
Since some minutes i'm working on  ;D
But i have not a lot of time to produce something before yesterday  ;D
But i'm interesting by the result for some reasons.

If i will find something nice, i will post my package here...




Thx for this very beautiful theme



hi guys

this is a very nice theme but i just have a few questions

how do i change the name at the top? "Coppermine Photo Gallery (Stable)"

also how would i edit the links on the side menu?


Joachim Müller

FAQ > User-contributed themes > Asking for support on user-contributed themes. Your question falls into the category "start a thread of your own after having read the documentation".

Joachim Müller

akhlan has ported this theme to be used with Stramm's modpack. If you're running the modpack and want to use this theme, read the thread "ChaocticSoul theme adapted for the ModPack"


Does anyone else have trouble getting BB code to work in album descriptions with this theme?

Joachim Müller

Quote from: GauGau on March 21, 2007, 11:01:26 AM
Most user-contributed themes have a separate announcement thread of the sub-board "cpg1.4 theme contributions". If you have issues with a particular user-contributed theme, make sure to have checked the corresponding announcement thread on this board. There is a fine line though between asking a valid question or posting a valid remark on a particular theme and cluttering it by asking for individual issues. If you're not sure if your questions belongs into the announcement thread, start your own thread on the support board. Your post should contain a link to your coppermine-driven gallery and a link to the theme announcement thread.


Hello! Nice theme! But I really would like to have thumbnails on my index-page, how do I change that?

Joachim Müller

Using this theme, the thumbnails show up on the index page (try it for yourself on the demo). If this is not the case for you or you want to accomplish something else, do as I suggested just one posting above yours: start a new thread of your own on the support board, posting a link to your gallery and this your posting on this thread.


I have a problem with Chaoticsoul on my joomla site. I have a bridged Coppermine Gallery ver 1412 and the menu on the right side is invisible. Here is the link
Please help, I really love this theme and is kinda frustrating that I cannot make it work...
Thanx a lot,