How to change appearance of fullsize window with "&fullsize=1" call? How to change appearance of fullsize window with "&fullsize=1" call?


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How to change appearance of fullsize window with "&fullsize=1" call?

Started by Funster, January 07, 2007, 03:35:23 PM

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I hope this has not been asked before...

The full url of a fullsize popup image window for example is

In case I use this url as a direct link, e.g. in a bb software or in email, one does not get a nicely sized window, but a fullsize window with the picture stuck to the top and no borders etc. around. Which function displays this image in the abovementioned way and which css is responsible for the look of this particular page? (reads: what must I do to get a java-style popup window with a nice framed image when using the fullsize=1-url)?

Thanks in advance for any hint!



Copy the theme_display_fullsize_pic() function from themes/sample/theme.php into your own theme.php and modify however you like. Java is not Javascript.


Hey Nibbler,

thanks for the lightning fast reply (and sorry for the typo, of course I meant JS...)

I am not shure if we are not talking about slightly different things...
To my understanding, theme_display_fullsize_pic() (which I have included in my theme) controls the gallery style of the fullsize pic, e.g. for this picture: Nice borders and all, everything to my liking. If you hit the image for fullsize mode, you get a JS pop up, not framed, but in a properly sized window.

If I post the picture this way, I get a full size browser window and the image is stuck to the top. What I want is, that the latter way of linking gives the same results as the direct click on the image (or at least a centered image with a white frame around it like the fullsize pic in my first link).
No idea, sorry :(

Or is there a misunderstanding on my side how these things are working? I am not that good in html, css and php...

Thank you for your time and patience,


I've been working on adding frames to the standard JS popup window and there are still some issues I haven't gotten fixed. Maybe check out this hack for adding the LightBox popup feature - It's easier to edit the border (default is white) and you can also have the filename and description added to the popup as well. Be sure to read through the whole thread as there are also instructions for closing the window with a click anywhere in the image.
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


Thanks for the hint, Gizmo!

Looks great, works great, I'll keep this mod! But I can not see that it helps me with my problem.
I can't find a way how to address the fullsized picture with a URL in a way that lightbox is involved for displaying. Gizmo, do you have any idea how to display a picture in the lightbox (like &fullsize=1) from a link?



Where is this link coming from and where will it be posted? If you can use the actual url of the picture then using LightBox is easy. What I mean is this link is the actual image link for Install LightBox according to the instructions in the link I posted and you can use standard html like this:
<a href="" rel="lightbox" title="Kopie">Kopie</a>
Did you read the manual first???? Taking 2 minutes to backup your files can save you hours of wondering what you screwed up.
Billy Bullock - BullsEyePhotos Blog of Indecision


Quote from: Gizmo on January 11, 2007, 08:06:07 PM
Where is this link coming from and where will it be posted?  Install LightBox according to the instructions in the link I posted and you can use standard html like this:
<a href="" rel=\"lightbox title="Kopie">Kopie</a>

It will be either bbcode because I often post pictures to boards for discussion or an ascii-link in an email for customers. Can you please explain the syntax in these cases for invoking Lightbox?



Sorry to drag this topic to the top.

But after a lot of fiddling around with this I did not succeed in addressing lightbox directly from bbcode or e-mail.
Can someone help me?

Just to clarify my needs: I want a link to the fullsize lightbox popup, e.g. http:/ or
http:/ or something similar.
