Moved servers, Now how do I get my gallery to work Moved servers, Now how do I get my gallery to work


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Moved servers, Now how do I get my gallery to work

Started by avinitlarge, January 29, 2007, 08:11:27 PM

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I am using Coppermine Photo Gallery v1.4.4. I moved servers the other day, I install a fresh copy of the gallery on the server then moved my picture folder to the new server, I cant see the pics, How do I go about getting it all to work again??


ve moved the files, This must be where my problem is  use a tool like phpMyAdmin to get a dump (backup) of your mySQL database entries. More info here here

The link doesnt work, What do I have to backup from my .SQL


Sorry to sound stupid, Non of that makes any sence, Which file am I to move from mysql?


Quote from: avinitlarge on January 29, 2007, 09:05:40 PM
Which file am I to move from mysql?

None of that makes any sense.

The MySQL database contains information about the pictures, comments, config settings etc. You need to export the data from your old database, save it to your PC, and import it into the new database. phpmyadmin is the de facto standard for doing this on shared hosting. Try searching the web for more detailed instructions/tutorials or see if your new host will help you.

Give it a try and come back with specific questions.


Right, Think I worked it out, I tried to import but got errors

SQL query:

-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
-- version
-- Host: localhost
-- Generation Time: Jan 29, 2007 at 08:19 PM
-- Server version: 4.1.21
-- PHP Version: 4.4.2
DATABASE : `zetectur_zetecturbo` --
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Table structure for table `cpg143_albums`
CREATE TABLE `cpg143_albums` (

`aid` int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
`title` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default '',
`description` text NOT NULL ,
`visibility` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`uploads` enum( 'YES', 'NO' ) NOT NULL default 'NO',
`comments` enum( 'YES', 'NO' ) NOT NULL default 'YES',
`votes` enum( 'YES', 'NO' ) NOT NULL default 'YES',
`pos` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`category` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`thumb` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`keyword` varchar( 50 ) default NULL ,
`alb_password` varchar( 32 ) default NULL ,
`alb_password_hint` text,
PRIMARY KEY ( `aid` ) ,
KEY `alb_category` ( `category` )

MySQL said: 

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Database: `zetectur_zetecturbo`

CREATE TABLE `cpg143_albums` (
  `aid` int(11' at line 1


Remove the line it complains about

DATABASE : `zetectur_zetecturbo` --


BAH!! Now I get this

CREATE TABLE `cpg1410_albums` (

`aid` int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
`title` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default '',
`description` text NOT NULL ,
`visibility` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`uploads` enum( 'YES', 'NO' ) NOT NULL default 'NO',
`comments` enum( 'YES', 'NO' ) NOT NULL default 'YES',
`votes` enum( 'YES', 'NO' ) NOT NULL default 'YES',
`pos` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`category` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`thumb` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`keyword` varchar( 50 ) default NULL ,
`alb_password` varchar( 32 ) default NULL ,
`alb_password_hint` text,
PRIMARY KEY ( `aid` ) ,
KEY `alb_category` ( `category` )
) ENGINE = MYISAM DEFAULT CHARSET = latin1 COMMENT = 'Used to store albums' AUTO_INCREMENT =1;

MySQL said: 

#1050 - Table 'cpg1410_albums' already exists

Joachim Müller

Well, then delete (or rename) the table that already exists - the error message should be pretty self-explanatory.


ARGH!!!!!!!!! I thought I had the hang of it but I thought wrong.

Ive deleted everything and started again, I uploaded all the gallery files and folders, I tried yet again to import the sql but im still getting errors

MySQL said: 

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Database: `zetectur_zetecturbo`

CREATE TABLE `cpg143_albums` (
  `aid` int(11' at line 1


That's the same error you had before that I already told you how to fix.


Indeed it was, I deleted that line and it all imported ok, Looked at my gallery and its all there as it was before on my other server.

Sorry for being a pain, I modify cars and im not to up on computers

Thanks for the help  :D