Other statistics? referrers, type of OS and such Other statistics? referrers, type of OS and such


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Other statistics? referrers, type of OS and such

Started by athlonkmf, January 11, 2004, 12:27:43 PM

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Besides the other feature that has been requested a lot (stats per cat) I'd really like to see other statistics.

Referrers (how did they get to my page)
The country they came from
The type of OS they use.
The type of browser they use.
The screen resolution they use.
Who were the last visitors (members)
Who are the most active members.
And of course: total pageview per day/week/month


It'd really help to see what the best configuration should be for the gallery.
My coppermine gallery with 35000 images: http://www.asianfanatics.net/
Another coppermine gallery with images over the 1MB http://dsample.kmfstudio.com


i altso want to see statistic for my gallery! is it possible?

Joachim Müller

there are a lot of scripts out there that provide such stats, you can simply include them into coppermine (usually one or two lines of code).
Take a look at these scripts:
http://www.hotscripts.com/PHP/Scripts_and_Programs/Counters/index.html ,
http://sourceforge.net/projects/awstats/ , http://php.resourceindex.com/Complete_Scripts/Logging_Accesses_and_Statistics/ and a million of others.



Ok I have created an account through http://my.statcounter.com, now I'm wondering how can I add the code provided without messing up my site (I had tried adding it to the footer section of the main index file... but it messed up my gallery somehow).

Where and how do I add the stats code?... and does it require specific installation?

Joachim Müller

Counters that require you to add a "static" element (like a web bug image, an linline frame etc.) should be added to your template file (/themes/yourtheme.template.html). Those that require a php include should be put into the theme file (/themes/yourtheme/theme.php). For details, search the board and faq for "custom footer" or "include".
