[Closed]: phpBB 3 olympus and coppermine 1.4.10 bridge integration - Page 5 [Closed]: phpBB 3 olympus and coppermine 1.4.10 bridge integration - Page 5


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[Closed]: phpBB 3 olympus and coppermine 1.4.10 bridge integration

Started by polle, April 25, 2007, 09:27:33 PM

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Please delete the prior post.. I posted the same code twice..

It should be as follows:

When I was in coppermine, and clicked a username to view the profile, it was always defaulting to the same userid (in my case, 2).

I changed the phpbb3.inc.php bridge file from this

//  function view_profile()
    global $USER_DATA;

to this:

  function view_profile($uid)
    global $USER_DATA;


New tests on all systems:

- I startet phpMyAdmin and changed the following fields within the 'cpg_bridge' Table
'bot_group' : field added to table
'bot_group' : set to the value of the corresponding 'group_id' field of the 'phpBB3_groups' table

a guest_group field is already existing, so used this:

- I changed the phpbb3.inc.php (corresponding to andre_f's post:
    $this->admingroups = array($BRIDGE['admin_group']);
    $this->guestgroup = 1
    $this->botgroup =  6;
    $this->admingroups = array($BRIDGE['admin_group']);
    $this->guestgroup = $BRIDGE['guest_group'];
    $this->botgroup =  $BRIDGE['bot_group'];

RESULT: Now the BOT group members are not shown anymore within copperfine --> fine

I checked out your hint, your solution now redirects to the correct profiles, but the "My Profile" menu item was not working anymore. So I mixed it together and changed:

   function view_profile()
    global $USER_DATA;

   function view_profile($uid)
    global $USER_DATA;
    if ($uid)

This shows both items correctly


I also have the "who's online" mod installed.

Unregistered users can upload to public albums, with admin approval.

Sometimes I am seeing the user "Anonymous" in the who's online, and when that user adds a picture, it gets added to the lowest userid's folder (10001).

Have you seen anything like this?


Thanks andre and tracer for the proto-bridge. I had moderate success with this bridge testing with CPG 1.4.12 and RC7 of phpBB3. I followed the instructions:

- phpBB3 is unmodded with default install -- I did convert an existing phpBB2 install but it had stock user groups
- made the mod to ucp.php for login
- made my bridge entry in the DB look like Andre's image several pages back
- saw the later post to add the trailing slash to the forum absolute url (without this login/logout wasn't happy)

FWIW While I didn't do extensive testing. The only weirdness I saw was that the logoout redirection didn't being me back to cpg/index.php, it took me to the phpbb3/index/php (the refer var in the logout link only said index.php). Login redirection worked fine.

Thanks, Mike

Joachim Müller

Use cpg1.4.13!
Read this thread to find out what you need to post in order to qualify for a valid test report. Yours doesn't qualify as such a valid test report.

Joachim Müller

The above user "TheKog" sent me this unsolicited PM:
Quote from: TheKog on October 17, 2007, 11:17:07 PM
How does this qualify as a valid test report?

Your  welcome -- it's worth the price paid -- so much great support out of the official CPG group for the top BB around. No one else has even tried it.

If you don't like it, delete it or just Gau Gau to H***! Your attitude sucks!
You should have read the thread you reply to: there currently is no official bridge file for phpBB3. This thread deals with a user-contributed bridge in beta stage. The thread clearly explains that the preliminary phpBB3-bridge file goes unsupported and that you're not allowed to ask for support. The only thing you're allowed to do is post a valid test report. This policy is meant to make sure that bugs that currently exist in this beta bridge can be ironed out. If you fail to post a valid report, your posting simply isn't helpfull.
Besides, there is a sticky thread within this board named "When requesting bridge support - mandatory!" and a section in the documentation named "Bridging support" - you even failed to do as suggested there, so your posting doesn't even qualify as a valid support request.
When being told that your posting is not enough, a clever person would have read up what you need to do to make a valid posting. What you did (still ignoring the simple instructions to read this thread) just shows what kind of person you are. You should review your attitude. The app phpBB may be popular, that's undoubted. However, that doesn't mean that we can support what we don't know nor what we're not familiar with. Just wanting the bridge to work badly is not enough - do your homework and then you may get help from someone who is capable to give help.
Being rude and swearing in your PM just means one thing to me: I bid you a "farewell" and ban your account.




we were succesfuly added it all. When we click on coppermine login, we make redirect to phpbb3 forum. But, when we make login and redirect to copermine, login fails. There is login on menu again. I don´t know what to do.


My test script: www.maglaj.net/fotografije

plese go to login >>

test user: sasa.stanic
      pass: kostamag

Joachim Müller

Quote from: GauGau on October 17, 2007, 07:19:22 AM
Read this thread to find out what you need to post in order to qualify for a valid test report. Yours doesn't qualify as such a valid test report.


QuoteCoppermine install: http://maglaj.net/fotografije
Forum install: http://maglaj.net/forum
Coppermine version: cpg1.4.13
Forum version: phpBB3
Test user account: sasa.stanic/kostamag

BridgeManager settings:
Forum URL:  http://maglaj.net/fotografije/
Relative path to your BBS's config file:  ../forum/ 
Use post-based groups?:  0
Cookie name/preifx (if applicable)


We have problem, when we login sucesfuly and back to galery, on the menu is login again, and we can not see our control menu. Please help.

QuoteCoppermine install: http://maglaj.net/fotografije
Forum install: http://maglaj.net/forum
Coppermine version: cpg1.4.13
Forum version: phpBB3
Test user account: sasa.stanic/kostamag

BridgeManager settings:
Forum URL:  http://maglaj.net/forum
Relative path to your BBS's config file:  ../forum/ 
Use post-based groups?:0   

Joachim Müller

Quote from: GauGau on October 18, 2007, 08:02:14 AM
You should have read the thread you reply to: there currently is no official bridge file for phpBB3. This thread deals with a user-contributed bridge in beta stage. The thread clearly explains that the preliminary phpBB3-bridge file goes unsupported and that you're not allowed to ask for support. The only thing you're allowed to do is post a valid test report.
There's no guarantee that someone will answer your question. As suggested various times already in this thread: this is not a support thread, so don't ask for support here. Use the stable product phpBB2 if you need to bridge it with coppermine.

All postings in this thread that just ask for support will be deleted without further notice.


I have read a lot of the posts on this forum and I have to agree with many people. The admin guy or whoever he is, is acting like a jerk. You are being really rude and you dont seem to have no patience at all. Zero. You are treating this thing as if it is cancer. It sucks. You can ban me, like you did with everyone else that didnt follow your lame rules. I dont care.


I know this is rude to ask but does anyone have the steps in a text file I can use.

Time is a bit short at the moment and do not have the time to run through all the posts.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

If I do not get a response, I will understand as everyone that has got this to work did do it the hard way.


phpBB 3.0.0 was released yesterday! Now the countdown for developing the bridge is running... ;) Thanx to all people who are doing this great work!


Seems to be a better chance of this happening at phpbb.com. This place has been quite for pretty long. At phpbb at least its under discussion and there is a guy trying his best.

Joachim Müller

This thread is cluttered with requests for a stable bridge, which is just nonsense. Only asking for a bridge won't help. If you want to help, read the entire thread, get the beta bridge, evaluate it and post your test results in the manner discussed in this thread. We will look into valid reports, trying to improve the bridge and make it stable. Just whining that there is no progress in this thread is lame.


You are lame for having such a stupid attitude. Look at the phpbb3, obviously you are notorious for being a dickhead. What is your problem, seriously? Never have I seen a moderator so rude as you. Its like you are asking us all to f*ck off.

Do you really think I have not read the entire thread? Dont you think I have tried all kinds of versions 2-3 times already. It doesn't work. Seriously, you are a dumbass and you might as well ban me cause I dont give a rats ass about you and your crappy program anymore. I'll try another photo gallery.


I was careless enough to upgrade to phpbb 3 first and then notice that I could not access the gallery anymore (nor disable the bridging because I had forgotten the stand-alone admin password).
So I worked my way through this thread to piece together the changes, first setting the values in the database as explained in this post. I believe that the "path from webroot" entry prefers a leading "/" but may be wrong, in any case it does not seem to hurt. As pointed out elsewhere in this thread, I also made the following file changes:

$ diff ucp_original.php ucp.php
<                       redirect(append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx"));
>               //      redirect(append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx"));
>               //      changed for phpbb3
>                       redirect(append_sid(request_var('redirect', "{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx")));
$ diff bridgemgr_original.php bridgemgr.php
> $default_bridge_data['phpbb3'] = array(
>   'full_name' => 'phpBB 3.0',
>   'short_name' => 'phpbb3',
>   'support_url' => 'http://www.phpbb.com/',
>   'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/forum/',
>   'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,trailing_slash',
>   'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../forum/',
>   'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,config.php',
>   'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0',
>   'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0',
> );
> // status: bridge unknown, manager unknown
$ diff phpbb3_original.inc.php phpbb3_intermediate.inc.php
<     $this->guestgroup = 1;
<     $this->botgroup = 6;
>     $this->guestgroup = $BRIDGE['guest_group'];
>     $this->botgroup = $BRIDGE['bot_group'];
<   function view_profile()
>   function view_profile($uid)
<     $this->redirect("memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&sid={$this->sid}&u={$USER_DATA[user_id]}");
>     if($uid)
>         $this->redirect("memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&sid={$this->sid}&u={$uid}");
>       else
>               $this->redirect("memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&sid={$this->sid}&u={$USER_DATA[user_id]}");

However I still got "Fatal error :" with no further detail when trying to access the gallery.
The following additional modifications to the phpbb3.inc.php file, which I nicked from phpbb2018.inc.php, got things working for me:

$ diff phpbb3_intermediate.inc.php phpbb3_final.inc.php
<       'grouptbl_group_name' => 'group_name' // name of 'group name' field in groups table
>       'grouptbl_group_name' => 'group_name', // name of 'group name' field in groups table
>       'notify' => 'user_notify_pm',
>       'auto_subscribe_post' => 'user_notify',
>       'auto_subscribe_comment' => 'user_notify',
>       'avatar_url' => 'user_avatar'

It seems these values are referenced in a number of SELECT statements and empty values result in those errors I've seen.

I hope this helps someone.
Many thanks to all who contributed to the solution - with 10 "php-thumbs" I would not have gotten anywhere without the information shared in this thread (including the questions asked and answered).

Thanks again.
