No viewinghits after domainnexchange No viewinghits after domainnexchange


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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No viewinghits after domainnexchange

Started by Senator, May 09, 2007, 03:39:12 PM

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Can someone help me with mij problem.

I have a bridge with e107-CPG and had making my site on a testdomain.
Everything works fine, but now i have transfer my site to my original domein and now the viewing-hits not counting anymore.
On my original domein i had standing a standalone coppermine version, that i've moved to a submap "oldsite" And put my new site in the root.

I've read this forum, to find answers about this problem, but all what i found is that it is maybe a cookie. ( Can it make a cookieconflict between my originals standalone coppermine version.)

Can someone help me.

i've made a testaccount.

If you want the details of the testaccount, you can send me a pm. ( Its an adultsite)

Greetings Senator



Make sure your Coppermine cookie settings are valid, ie. the name is legal and the path is either / or a valid path for the gallery. The cookie name must differ from the cookie name used by any other application.


My settings

cookie_path /
cookie_name cpg143

'cookie_name' => 'e107cookie',
cookie_path unknow

DBtable cpg1410_bridge contains
cookie_prefix (empty)


My old cookiesettings of my original standalone version was.

cookie_name cpg133
cookie_path /cookie

The are not the same, so no conflict i quess


This topic can close, i've solved the isseu.

It was a cookieconflict.

Thx Nibbler.  ;)