request for additional keyboard & mouse navigation while browsing an album request for additional keyboard & mouse navigation while browsing an album


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request for additional keyboard & mouse navigation while browsing an album

Started by rrwwxx, July 22, 2007, 04:29:09 PM

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Jalbum has some more features that I would like to propose for having them implemented into coppermine galleries.

The keyboard navigation can be quite handy though it would need an extra help popup window to explain the additional control options. I guess it could easily be included into a template.

As an example you can watch other people's galleries here (English) or here (a German web album). Note the Help button below.

The javascript code for having that would be looking like shown below, and it needs to be adaped for cpg of course, as the next and previous page URLs are encoded dynamically but I am sure it is possibly to have that in cpg as well.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function keypress(e) {
if(!e) var e=window.event;
if(e.keyCode) keyCode=e.keyCode;
else if(e.which) keyCode=e.which;
switch(keyCode) {
case 8: window.location="../index.html"; return false; break;
case 63235: case 39: window.location="10-551bernd.html"; return false; break;
case 63234: case 37: window.location="03-03neuhaus.html"; return false; break;
case 63273: case 36: window.location="sunny72.html"; return false; break;
case 63275: case 35: window.location="21-26wrubbel.html"; return false; break;
case 32: show_down(); setTimeout('show_out()', 200); return false; break;
return true;
function keypresslistener() {
  if(document.all) { document.onkeydown = keypress; }
  else if(document.layers || document.getElementById) { document.onkeypress = keypress; }

I also like the fact that the main image displayed in Jalbum always has a dynamic imagemap included. This means you can click on the image and depending on whether you click on the left or the right side of the image you can browse to the previous or next image. Clicking on the center area links back to the album index.
It has been implemented through the following html code:

<map name="imagemap" style="text-decoration:none"><area coords="0,0,150,600" href="03-03neuhaus.html" title="Previous image" alt=""><area coords="300,0,450,600" href="10-551bernd.html" title="Next image" alt=""><area coords="150,0,300,600" href="../index.html" title="Index page" alt=""></map>
<IMG SRC="../05-385peter.jpg" class="slideImage" width="450" height="600" TITLE="Downsized Image [05-385peter.jpg - 54kB]" usemap="#imagemap" alt="">

And perhaps this inspires some experienced cpg developer to have that included as an addon for cpg too? I would be grateful.

Joachim Müller