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cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Started by deandre81, August 14, 2007, 04:37:10 AM

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Is there a list of systems that Coppermine can be integrated into?

because i need to find a cms of the sort that offer events list, phpbb forum integration, chat and a video mod or video script integration, ability to build my own pages easily
like have an html template and integrate it into the site as a new link or someting easy.
and blog and coopermine integraton

Joachim Müller

Yes: this list resides in the documentation. Please read the docs before asking questions. There are some user-contributed (i.e. unsupported) bridges that are not covered in the docs - afaik there are user-contributed bridges for Joomla and WBB. Additionally, there is a mod for Wordpress integration.

Quote from: deandre81 on August 14, 2007, 04:37:10 AM
because i need to find a cms
Coppermine is not a CMS, but a picture and multimedia gallery.


but i dont see anything for Drupal, Silva or Plone

Joachim Müller

If you can't see it, then it probably doesn't exist, or we're not aware of it. We offer bridging, which is a method to share authentification and user management with another application. It doesn't mean that coppermine is visually integrated into another application, e.g. a content management systems.
Quite frankly, I don't even know what Silva or Plone is (and I'm not overly keen to find out). Imo those community-building wannabe-CMS are all terribly Nineties.


P.S. I forgot to mention that there is a mod for integration Coppermine into PostNuke that seems to work with Drupal as well (I have no idea about both though). There are third-party sites that have created coppermine ports for e107, xoops and PragmaMX. We're not involved with those projects. Please don't ask questions related to those third-party ports here.


but its just that i want to move my site into a cms system but still be able to keep my coppermine gallery which plays a vital role in my site.
so based on what system i choose, i want to know that my coppermine can be a part of it.

and is there a place i can post about third party apps on this site
because i want to know why u said "those community-building wannabe-CMS are all terribly Nineties"

Joachim Müller

By the end of the nineties, everybody thought they needed to build a community, which lead to an increase of portal systems (sadly, they are being misinterpreted as CMS). However, only a few sites managed to actually build a community that lasted. That's just a matter of taste and just my personal impression. Don't worry about it.
There's no place here to discuss those third-party apps, sorry.