cpmfetch - Help-. cpmfetch - Help-.


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cpmfetch - Help-.

Started by mauuu, November 05, 2007, 09:02:28 PM

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as I can do so that this Code be seen me in SLIDESHOW, is of the package cpmfetch

include "./galeria/cpmfetch/cpmfetch.php";
  $objCpm = new cpm("./galeria/cpmfetch/cpmfetch_config.php");


In spanish -

Lo siento pero no entiendo tu ingles. Por favor habla tu problema en Español y yo traducir.


In English -
I dont know anything about cpmfetch. But i dont understand mauuu's english. He speaks Spanish so i offered to translate his spanish into english for the benifit of other users who know about cpmfetch.
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Quisiera saber como hago para insertar ese mismo codigo en mi index , pero en vez de que se vea estatico , tenga en efecto SLIDESHOW ( hace que las imagenes pasen de lado a lado automaticamente como una marquesina )


Ok, heres the translation -

He wants the slideshow images to move side to side like a marquee instead of static. I think he wants to know the right code to insert into his index to make this happen. 

Vale, arriba es en ingles. Lo siento, no tengo cpmfetch y yo no ayuda.

A note. Im not sure what the refrence to the code in the first post is, is this the code used to call up a slideshow?, if so he may want to know if this is the right code to use. Sorry, i dont have cpmfetch and cant really help.
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que puedo hacer entonces  :-\ ?


mauuu just asked -

Is this possible to change the transition to side to side.  :-\?

mauuu - Lo siento y solo un traductor. No entiendo cpmfetch. Otra persona hable con tu pronto. Quieres yo traducir por tu.

A translation to what i just said -

Im sorry, im only the translator. I dont know anything about cpmfetch. Another user will tell you the answer soon, if you want i can translate.
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"The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. " - Bill Gates
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Joachim Müller

Not related to bridging, but to cpmFetch. Moving accordingly. In the future, post on the proper support board.
Make cpmFetch return raw data and then use any JavaScript-driven slideshow or marquee script (e.g. from dynamicdrive) to make it scroll on your screen. Has been asked before - in the future, search the board before posting.