*NEW* Theme *NEW* Theme


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
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*NEW* Theme

Started by DaMysterious, October 13, 2003, 10:11:30 PM

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I spend some time last weekend to port another phpBB theme to Coppermine and did correct some glitches in my earlier fiblue3d.

My tribute to the community:

Downlod fiblue3d
Download fiblack3d

Joachim Müller

your fist theme is available for download - see http://coppermine.sourceforge.net/download.php#themes
Please wait a few more days before you modify new themes: we'll soon release cpg 1.2.0 - the theme structure has changed a bit there...




I am having a problem geting the theme to recognize who is logged in.

Album list• My gallery• User mode• Upload picture• Logout [USER_NAME]
Last uploads• Last comments• Most viewed• Top rated• Search

Is what shows. When User, Admin or User/Admin Logged in. Only happends in this theme. Nuke 6.5.

Also, Config link on other themes = http://dakrats.net/modules.php?name=coppermine&file=config

But on fiblue =http://dakrats.net/config.php

Like that on all the links, maybe the problem?

Hope it is an easy fix, I am php ignorant at the moment. Can search and edit code though. Any help appreciated!!
Would you like a Jelly Baby?


Those themes are written for the standalone version; that's why you're having problems.  The only phpnuke theme available right now is hardwired, which you can download from this site.

The nuke port of 1.2.0 is in development and will be out soon.  Check on the phpnuke forum for updates.
Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


Would you like a Jelly Baby?


They are ready!

Converting today my earlyer portet phpBB themes fiblack3d and fiblue3d to CPG 1.2.x. Both themes are modded with the language hack and it's also possible to change between the already available themes in CPG. Further mayor changes are made to the layout (style.css). Colors for both themes are optimized to fit into the standard layout now.

Download fiblack3d for CPG v1.2.x HERE
To view this theme go HERE

Download fiblack3d for CPG v1.2.x HERE
To view this theme go HERE

If you apreciate my portet themes take a look to my *NEW* project for CPG v1.2.x Synthetic Blue. This theme is almost ready, exept litle cosmetical thingies  :D.

Have fun...

Tarique Sani

Your Synthetic Blue is awesome - very good work
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz

Joachim Müller

I'll add it asap to the download section - thank you!


Joachim Müller

added FiBlack3D and FiBlue3D to the demo and the download section (I had to modify the packages slightly - download from DaMysterious' link is not recommended, as he built in the "choose language hack" that will break your gallery when the function is called twice - works for him, will not work for everybody).
Very good work indeed, although I recommend some looking into it - the theme will not work in all browsers, as it uses "illegal" attributes (height in <tr> and <td>-tags for example); I suggest replacing the tags in question with blind gifs to do the height.



Quote from: "gaugau"added FiBlack3D and FiBlue3D to the demo and the download section (I had to modify the packages slightly - download from DaMysterious' link is not recommended, as he built in the "choose language hack" that will break your gallery when the function is called twice - works for him, will not work for everybody).
Very good work indeed, although I recommend some looking into it - the theme will not work in all browsers, as it uses "illegal" attributes (height in <tr> and <td>-tags for example); I suggest replacing the tags in question with blind gifs to do the height.


Thank you GauGau! I plan to release "Synthetic Blue" this weekend. Forgive me some glitches in the html-code, if there. I'm an artist, not a programmer. Synthetic Blue is unmodded, options to chose a language or another theme are implemented into the html-code.


DaMysterious:  Dude, you're on fire.  Keep up the great work!



May I suggest that you add a credit to the original author of the phpBB skin ?


Quote from: "Titooy"May I suggest that you add a credit to the original author of the phpBB skin ?

You'r right. In the package that i did download no creditlinks links where given. For all adapted themes, where available, I do specially point out if a specific theme is linkware or not. In some cases where no author can be found (dead link) credits can't be given. I wil change the FI-themes in my database with a creditlink to ForumImages. Thanks for the hint.

Joachim Müller

please specify to which themes this applies, so I can change the downloads on the sf.net servers as well.




Quote from: "gaugau"please specify to which themes this applies, so I can change the downloads on the sf.net servers as well.

I did rework both themes and changed the archives. They are both available on my server.

Download fiblack3d for CPG v1.2.x HERE
Download fiblack3d for CPG v1.2.x HERE



Im running coppermine here:


Id like to have a theme like im running in my IPB forum here:


Are someone up for this?

Id really like if you can make the header like the top of the forum.

Thanks in advance
From Greenland with love or....

Joachim Müller

@thokra: you're running cpg1.3.x, while this thread is for the outdated coppermine version cpg1.2.x. You're entirely wrong in this thread, don't try to hijack it. I can't understand why you chose this specific thread to reply to. You're not asking a question related to a particular theme, but you request help for creating your own custom theme. Requests like yours shouldn't go into the mods board, but  into the cpg1.3 standalone board, sub-board cpg1.3 Themes/Skins/Templates. Post a new thread there, but try searching the board first, as your question has been answered before already.
Locking this thread now, as it deals with an outdated version anyway.

I discovered that you even double-posted your request as a reply to another unrelated thread. Don't double-post, don't cross-post and don't hijack threads. With this attitude, you probably will get little help. I split your other post from the thread you replied to and moved it: http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=22249.0  >:(