LightBox JS for Fullsize Popup Slideshow - Page 2 LightBox JS for Fullsize Popup Slideshow - Page 2


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LightBox JS for Fullsize Popup Slideshow

Started by SaWey, January 08, 2008, 01:01:26 AM

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But that topic is like 100 yrs ago, and I can't find some clear instrctions for the current version of lightbox.Anyway, thanks.


If I have time, after some improvements, I'll look into it.


I am sure there is somewhere to add some lines to make the pictures open in same sizes if a picture is about 2080xblabla anything so that it opens up all pictures in same size like 1024x768 or anything ?


Better will be if the image size is more than the screen size, the image to be 100% width :D


I tested it with a plain cgp installed, and it works fine, but with joomla bridge there is some problem.
I think it is because of the theme of joomla, is that possible? And how to repair it ?
When clicking on images only a white box is shown with picture dimensions.


Hallo all,

i have a little problem, all looks absolute fantastic but if there are more than one comments to a picture the preview pictures appears as many comments there are...
1 comment -> 1 preview pic
2 comments -> 2 preview pics
and so on...

this will only happen if you come from the "newest comments"-section, if you are navigating to the image manually (by using the categories and so on) the thumb only appears once...
Its very strange  ???

I hope someone can help...

Thanks in advance


Quote from: deve on January 16, 2008, 09:51:39 AM
I am sure there is somewhere to add some lines to make the pictures open in same sizes if a picture is about 2080xblabla anything so that it opens up all pictures in same size like 1024x768 or anything ?

Fixed this in the new version, see first post.
To configure the fixed size, you will need to modify lightbox_s.js and change:

//--- Slideshow options
var slideShowWidth = -1; // -1 size slideshow window based on each image
var slideShowHeight = -1; // -1 size slideshow window based on each image

Quote from: eK3eKyToPa on January 19, 2008, 10:57:01 AM
I tested it with a plain cgp installed, and it works fine, but with joomla bridge there is some problem.
I think it is because of the theme of joomla, is that possible? And how to repair it ?
When clicking on images only a white box is shown with picture dimensions.

Can you give a link to your gallery please, I cannot see what's wrong if I can't see your gallery

Quote from: Smylo on January 19, 2008, 01:54:02 PM
Hallo all,

i have a little problem, all looks absolute fantastic but if there are more than one comments to a picture the preview pictures appears as many comments there are...
1 comment -> 1 preview pic
2 comments -> 2 preview pics
and so on...

this will only happen if you come from the "newest comments"-section, if you are navigating to the image manually (by using the categories and so on) the thumb only appears once...
Its very strange  ???

I hope someone can help...

Thanks in advance

Fixed in new version, see first post.


The gallery is here
There is one more bad effect: It seams that the picture appears under some other pictures from the site


I even can't see the picture in lightbox?
Can you please explain your problem a little better.


everything is applied as you say
Yes , no picture is seen,
If I set this mod to clear gallery, it works fine, but in here, WHITE screen


I don't know exectly what is wrong,
but looking at you gallery, there are some possibilities:

You have added the link to the required scripts twice, probably once in your Joomla theme, and once in cpg theme or so?
You are also using mootools, could be a conflict between those two -> try looking here


i would like to show the images in their own original size... but dont know what to change??


what i actually wanted to say, is that i have some vertical pictures and it  will show them smaller than it own orginal size... why is that ?

var slideShowHeight = -1;   // -1 size slideshow window based on each image

isnt that the correct value?


You are right, but the latest lightbox is set to always resize the image if it doesn't fit in the browser.
The picture will show a little smaller then the browser size.

You can disable this by setting the option:
var resize = 1;// Set 0 to disable auto-resizing

in lightbox_s.js


Please can you give me some advise how to make the mod working with site with mootools
I read that I have to change the Lightbox with Slimbox. Some info how to do what?


No idea,
Try this or try searching the forum for some other mod.


and the two new files slimboc.css and slimbox.js
from where to get them


Strange things goes around
Now I just added before the URLs of .js and .css
and when clicking on the picture, in same window opens just the picture, no effects

PS. Where is the edit post button?


You get that because the script isn't initialized, try adding onLoad="initLightbox();" to the body tag of your template.

You will not find the edit button, as it is disabled for regular users.


with onLoad="initLightbox();"
dosen't work too
say how to change the Lightbox with slimbox
to try that way