Fresh install of CPG, now I have no icons or smilies on screen Fresh install of CPG, now I have no icons or smilies on screen


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
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Fresh install of CPG, now I have no icons or smilies on screen

Started by Pr0x1Mus, January 15, 2008, 11:03:41 PM

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Could someone please explain what I have to do to solve this problem?  ???

I just installed CPG 1414 on my own private server. Database is fine, program works. Only there are no icons or smilies. E.g. now I can't edit or modify the categories I defined. Or add a smiley to a comment. They just don't show up on screen.

I really tried all I can think of. CHMOD-ed the include, albums, images and smilies folders. Nothing works.  So please, explain where else to start looking.

Much obliged,


If you FTP them (assuming it's not a local server) then make sure you use the binary or auto mode and not ASCII.


The server is in my local LAN right now so I SSHd the zip file to the server and unzipped it in the rootfolder of my website. Could that cause any problems?


Only other thought would be you've blocked the images in your browser.


Quote from: Nibbler on January 15, 2008, 11:19:26 PM
Only other thought would be you've blocked the images in your browser.

I just checked that. Firefox on my Linux box shows no icons at all, IE on my windows box shows a little red X where icons should be.  So frustrating, I installed CPG dozens of times. Only this installation really beats me...  ??? Everything works fine but the icons.

the images directory is 755, the images are 644, the smilies directory is 755, smilies are 644, all are owned by root (for now). All quite normal I'd say. Like I said, I CHMODed everithing several times but that doesn't help. Set them all back to the default now.


Try switching ownership to whatever user your webserver runs as.


I already tried switching ownership. Didn't work either. So I went back to square 1. I really want to get this one down.

I dropped the database, deleted the CPG folder and started over again. Here's what I just did, the whole story so nothing is left out..

I created a new database cpg, and to be sure I did "grant all privileges on cpg.* to 'user'@'host' identified by 'passwd' "
Then I downloaded a new from the CPG website, again to be sure it's OK. I sent it to the server using SSH and copied the zip to /var/www.
Then I did

#cd cpg1414
#chmod 777 include
#find albums -type d | xargs chmod 777

Started my browser (firefox) and .... again no icons or smileys. Odd thing is it does show the logo and other pics that are in the themes (sub)directories. It really is the images directory causing problems.

Mark my words, in the end it is something really simple but for now...., shoot me, I really don't know.

Thanks for your help so far.


This is starting to sound familiar. Check httpd.conf for an Alias on the images directory.



I will do that tonight. I'm at work right now.

The website using CPG is a vhost. You might be right that there is a wrong setting in httpd.conf or .htaccess. So, again, I 'll check my Apache settings tonight and keep you posted.  :D

BTW, can you tell me what exactly sounds familiar?



Guess what! I GOT IT!  ;D  HAPPY! HAPPY HAPPY! Bring out the beer! But first here's the explanation:

I checked my httpd.conf like you suggested. And there was an Alias for /images/ in httpd.conf. This Alias redirects all /images/ URLs to /usr/share/images. A directory which does not even exist. So I commented the lines out and voilá...., icons & smilies!
I'm using Debian Etch.  I don't know how it is with other distros but I installed apache using apt-get and even the generic httpd.conf has this redirection. I checked that.

But hey, problem solved. BTW, is this the familarity you mentioned before? Many thanks. Now I can finish wat I started. Thank you, thank you.

Much obliged,


Yeah, I think I had that problem once. It's something the debian people add.