[Solved]: WP --> CFG Conversion [Solved]: WP --> CFG Conversion


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[Solved]: WP --> CFG Conversion

Started by veela, March 21, 2008, 01:51:03 AM

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Hello everyone, long time lurker, first time poster. Usually, I'm able to find the solution to my problem in the documentation or the forums, but I've sort of found myself wanting to do something I can't quite wrap my tiny brain around. :)

I've been attempting to convert my WordPress theme on http://blog.evilveela.com to a Coppermine theme at http://www.evilveela.com/gallery

I've read Gizmo's explanation...but even though I have a very tiny bit of HTML experience, it just keeps reading like stereo instructions to me. Like I said, I've been trying to wrap my head around it, and there's just something not clicking. I just can't seem to walk myself through this. There's not one particular part that is holding me up...it's the entire process. I just don't know enough about HTML and/or CSS to really do this properly, looks like.

That being said, I have a two-part question.

Would anyone knowledgeable about this be willing to meet me on Ventrilo or MSN Messenger and sort of walk me through the conversion? It would be time consuming, but you would have done your good deed for the day, helping a hopeless little blogger like myself. If no one is willing to do that, would someone be willing to convert the theme I have? No timeline, no pressure...but also no pay. :( College is too expensive these days.

Thank you very much for your time in reading this. I don't wish to seem like I'm begging to have someone else do it; in fact, I'd like to understand themes better. But I don't know anyone that knows CSS or HTML, and this is pretty much the only place I feel comfortable asking.



I'm not in a position to help you directly, but I just took a look at the source code of your home page and it looks like good clean HTML mark-up, so it shouldn't be too difficult. It also validates (as XHTML 1.0 Transitional) which is a refreshing change.

I've just done something similar to integrate cpg better into my site (not yet live). I started by taking a copy of the existing HTML for my Home page and using it as the cpg template; I deleted all the Home page elements I wanted to discard, and then inserted the cpg tokens (things like {GAL_NAME}, {GAL_DESCRIPTION} etc) in the <divs> where I wanted them.

Your HTML has a <div> called #content. As a first step try stripping everything between <div id="content"> and the corrsponding end tag </div> and inserting the cpg tokens you need instead. This ought to make the gallery appear in the main section of your page, leaving your header and right-hand menu structure as they are.

You can then add to your .css file (http://blog.evilveela.com/wp-content/themes/SuccessionOfMoments/style.css) any elements you want to style the cpg components.

I'm an "ancient" retired guy and decided to teach myself HTML, CSS, PHP etc in my retirement - never enjoyed myself more!

Hope this helps some.


Joachim Müller

I'm looking into your theme. Please stand by.

Joachim Müller