[Closed]: Categories [Closed]: Categories


CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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[Closed]: Categories

Started by hhanbury, May 25, 2008, 04:35:40 AM

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I am trying to sort my Albums into Categories. In 4.5 of the CPG Documentation I see the "Categories Control Panel" and it has 4 columns under "Operations"
In my installed version of the CPG I can only see 2 columns under "Operations" in the Categories Control Panel.
My Host denies that they have crippled the program in any way.
What can I do to fix this problem?


I'm seeing the 4 columns on my installation. Are you running the most recent version of Coppermine?  It's 1.4.18 - running anything earlier poses a very real security risk.


I am on 1.4.16, the host has not downloaded 1.4.18 but I have nudged them about it ... however, that can not be the problem. It must be a setting somewhere that I can not find.

François Keller

QuoteI am on 1.4.16, the host has not downloaded 1.4.18 but I have nudged them about it
it's not a solution, You have to update, not your webhost.
Quoterunning anything earlier poses a very real security risk.
Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog


1) Depending on the Category structure you have, you may not see the "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons. Are these the ones which are missing?

2) You must follow François' advice and update. Don't rely on your Web Host. Any version prior to 1.4.18 has know security weaknesses which are being actively exploited.


Yes Steveeh131047, it is the up and down buttons that are missing. I have only used the basic category "User Galleries" in the past but as the number of photos has increased, I need more structure but I have been unable to do what I want to do (moving my albums to different categories).
If I say that the Host downloads and I update when it is available to update, can we get off that subject. My host is not very helpful but very cheap.

François Keller

QuoteIf I say that the Host downloads and I update when it is available to update, can we get off that subject.
No, you don't need your webhost to update your gallery.
Updating is not an option, it's mandatory to avoid security problems
Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog


I also now notice that the drop-down option for categories as illustrated in 4.8 of the Manual -is greyed out. So something has definitely not been activated.
... and my beard is white and I say what I mean and mean what I say so please give me a post of what a solution may be rather than use the word "mandatory".
Nobody has bothered to use that word in my vicinity for the last 60 years.

François Keller

Quoteand my beard is white and I say what I mean and mean what I say
ok, do what you mean.
but you do not come complaining if you have any problems after ...
Moreover, an update can solve the problem.
You have not given any details on your gallery except that you have a problem. If you want help, start by giving a link  do what supporters   suggests.
Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog


Dear Francois Kellar,
You do not need a link;
may I please refer you to the Documentation under sections 4.5 and 4.8 and then please reconcile that with my posts, then you may get some idea of what the problem is so that you may try to find a solution, rather than throw your weight around. Any constructive suggestions are welcome.  May I suggest that my guns are bigger than yours so cease hostilities.

François Keller

QuoteMay I suggest that my guns are bigger than yours so cease hostilities.
i have not starr hostilities, but you seems not understand what i mean, not a problem for me
QuoteYou do not need a link
why ?
Quotemay I please refer you to the Documentation under sections 4.5 and 4.8 and then please reconcile that with my posts, then you may get some idea of what the problem is so that you may try to find a solution, rather than throw your weight around
for me, it's the last post in this thread. I do not need to be assaulted by someone besides trying to explain that his age gives him all rights.
Good luck to the other supporters who wants to help hhanbury

Francois Keller and not kellar !
Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog

Hein Traag

Hi there,

fresh into this thread.

The reason we always ask for a link to a cpg gallery is to check how the site is build. Proper use of the gallery etc. Meaning which version is in use and is the copyright stil intact. You would not believe how often it happens that a user says he is using 1.4.18 and instead is using 1.4.16 etc..

So, in order to help you out pls provide a link to your gallery so we can check it out.

And just out of curiousity what exactly do you mean by "May I suggest that my guns are bigger than yours so cease hostilities." ??


Joachim Müller

Doesn't matter what size his guns are. The internet is full of people boasting to be Richard Stallmann, Linus Torvalds or Bill Gates. That's not the point. You could be George W. Bush or Mother Teresa - that doesn't matter here.

@hhanbury: do as supporters suggest if you want their advice. Questioning why they need the piece of information they ask for or starting an argument about that is not a bright idea. Threatening a trusted supporter like François Keller is really, really silly. If you just came her to troll, then get your red herring and be gone. If you actually want support, do as suggested. No further discussion needed. If you're actually as old as you claim to be, then try behaving like a wise old man, because so far you have behaved like a teenage troll.

Joachim Müller
- coppermine project manager -
Age: 40


With all due respect to "developers" and "community project managers", if you can not understand the question and then refuse to read the manual that illustrates the problem, what faith should anyone have in your "suggestions" - so far I have had "upgrade to 1.4.18" and "start by giving a link".
I realise education is not what it was and comprehension is not a strong point of the population overall, but may I suggest that one should start with reading the problem, identifying the issue/s, consider the evidence, test any possible solutions, formulate an answer. I have seen no evidence of it except demands and various other insults.

And Dear Coppermine Project Manager, I have been involved with computers since 1969 and I bought my first PC around 1978, at which times I gather you did not amount to much. I do not claim expertise just because of a timeline but I have seen "experts" come and go.

At this stage I doubt that anyone has an answer, in fact I am certain of it, otherwise so much hot air would not be blown.

And for the literary ignorant; "having a bigger gun" means that I can respond in writing in such a way that you feel so little and inferior that you'd be bound to call me a "troll".

Have a nice day now, you hear

Joachim Müller

Still no link posted, so I assume you don't need help. Closing, locking.

Quote from: hhanbury on May 27, 2008, 10:20:53 PM
And for the literary ignorant; "having a bigger gun" means that I can respond in writing in such a way that you feel so little and inferior that you'd be bound to call me a "troll".
How nice for you. And pretty easy if you ask me, since neither François, nor Hein nor me are native English speakers. It's easy to be superior in the way you can write English - probably, anyone who finished High School can write better English than the three of us. But this doesn't count on this board - it's about supporting a piece of software, not about grammar and language skills. I hope that proving your superiority has boosted your ego enough to make you an expert on coppermine-related stuff. Forgive us for not being native English speakers, but just geeks.