[Solved]: I have to re-install the whole thing over and over. Images becomes X'es [Solved]: I have to re-install the whole thing over and over. Images becomes X'es


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[Solved]: I have to re-install the whole thing over and over. Images becomes X'es

Started by kittycat, May 05, 2008, 06:53:47 PM

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Just signed up with one.com for a domain and everything has been working fine so far.
With the domain comes a MySQL so everything is great.

Thing is. My coppermine gallery was all good for about 2 days then when I log in the next day all the pictures are x'es.
I uploaded the pictures through the website.

I can't even delete them because it says ''they are unwritable'' and they don't even seem to exist.

I delete all files from my MySQL and re-install and same thing happens again..

What to do?

Joachim Müller

Stop un-installing and re-installing. Coppermine is not a desktop app where you perform a re-install to fix issues. For a start, post a link to your gallery.


Cheese, sorry. Just came here for some help.
You can lock this topic, I fixed the problem.

My ftp program atomatically deleted all my files.