[Solved]: "reinstalling" Coppermine after updating forum [Solved]: "reinstalling" Coppermine after updating forum


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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[Solved]: "reinstalling" Coppermine after updating forum

Started by othersi, May 19, 2008, 08:22:27 AM

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Hi folks.

I recently updated my SMF forum to 1.1.5, and in doing so wiped out all of my modifications, including my Coppermine gallery.

My gallery tables are all still in my database (cpg1410_albums, cpg1410_banned, etc) ... and the cpg files are still on my server ... I just have no "connection" to my gallery any longer, as all that 'linkage' in my SMF files got reversed during my update.

My question is... am I able to simply reinstall the Coppermine gallery in a way that restores my access/control with the tables/images/albums/etc that are already in place?  (as opposed to wiping everything and starting from scratch)

At the same time... if I'm able to update to the latest gallery , that'd be good too... but I don't know if that's possible... or do I have to 'restore' to the older version of cpg??

Joachim Müller

Do not re-install if both the database tables as well as the files inside the albums folder are still there. Just re-upload the coppermine files from the package. Manually create the files include/config.inc.php and include/install.lock.


Hrmm... well... the files, including the two you mentioned, are already on my server... they never got deleted.

Will re-uploading the same files and overwriting them do anything?

It seems like what I need to do is 'link' my Coppermine install to my SMF install... all the files and tables are there... I just need to link everything together.

Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding something.

Joachim Müller

Looks like you just need to re-run the bridge manager. Did you read the bridging section.


Bridge Manager... ok, thanks, will read through that now.


 :-[ It appears I'm hosed... going to http://yourdomain.tld/your_coppermine_folder/bridgemgr.php  (with my actual url, of course) gives me an error:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected ')' in /home/content/o/t/h/othersi/html/gallery/include/debugger.inc.php on line 131

Joachim Müller

Perform an upgrade as suggegsted in the docs, then do exactly as suggested in the bridging support section of the docs. Moving.


Thanks for your help... that's fixed the bridging error, unfortunately I can't, for the life of me, remember what data I used as my initial username/password.  :(  It's not my standard username/pw, so I've got no idea what I would have used.

I = stupid.  lol

Thanks anyways, looks like I'm starting over.

Joachim Müller

There's no need to. You can recover your password using the "forgot password" link, or you can use one of the methods discussed in similar threads on this board. Search for "lost admin password" or similar - you should find loads of postings that explain how to recover a lost password.


Just wanted to update to finalize the thread.

It turns out I really didn't have to do anything to my coppermine installation.  I did update it, and that all went fine.

But what I then realized is that everything was still bridged properly... all I had to do was add a link to my gallery from my SMF forum...  so basically everything was already intact, I just didn't realize it.

Thanks for the help, and I will search the forum for info on recovering a lost admin password.

Joachim Müller

Thanks for resolving your thread. If the link from your forum to your gallery went missing when you updated your forum, you haven't added it properly in the first place. Make sure to come up with a custom theme in SMF and add the link to your gallery to your custom theme. The custom theme will go untouched when updating, so your custom link will be permanent. If you need details, look this up on the SMF forum.


The bridgemanager just helped me too.

Thanks fot the post Joachim!



Quote from: Palok on August 03, 2008, 01:32:54 PM
The bridgemanager just helped me too.

Thanks fot the post Joachim!


Quote5.3.2 Recover from failed bridging
If you have provided improper settings using the bridge manager, your integration might fail, resulting (in the worst case) in a stituation where bridging is enabled, but you can not log in as admin to switch it off again (e.g. if you provided improper cookie settings that stops authentication from working). For this situation a recovery setting was built into the bridge manager: if you are not logged in as coppermine admin (in fact: not logged in at all) and you access the URL of your bridge manager (http://yourdomain.tld/your_coppermine_folder/bridgemgr.php) by entering it manually into the address bar of your browser, you are prompted to enter your admin account details - use the admin account you used to install coppermine with in the first place (the standalone admin account). This will not log you in, but switch integration off, so you can fix improper bridging settings then. To avoid others trying to guess your admin account details, there's a login treshold that rises every time you enter wrong credentials, so enter your admin account details with care.

Shucks.... I tried to integrate bbs and copermine again and it went wrong again...
Now I stay logged in ad admin so http://yourdomain.tld/your_coppermine_folder/bridgemgr.php does not help out here.
I can nog log out, the message the database returns is: Coppermine critical error:

Unable to connect to UDB database !
MySQL said:

Joachim Müller

If you have enabled bridging, then log out of the app you have bridged with. The bridgemanager should work no matter what. If it doesn't, turn bridging off manually by using a third-party tool like phpMyAdmin, browsing coppermine's config table and setting bridge_enable to 0.