FLV Player Integration MOD - Page 11 FLV Player Integration MOD - Page 11


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FLV Player Integration MOD

Started by gwendolyn, July 24, 2006, 02:39:36 AM

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Quote from: gwendolyn on July 24, 2006, 02:39:36 AM
hello all  :D :D
made a small player integration into coppermine gallery for FLV-Videos  :D :D
im no php pro or such .DD
what ull see if u r one *smile*
but it works and was the thing i needed :) :)

here are coming the install instructions:

1. download filetype editor MOD http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=24186.msg111120#msg111120

2. make new filetype "flv     application/x-shockwave-flash     movie     Flash player"

3. open theme.php (if code isnt insde paste the function "theme_html_picture" from /theme/sample/theme.php)

a) search for

                // There isn't a player selected or user wants client-side control
        if (!$user_player) {
            $user_player = 'UNK';

        $player = $players[$user_player];

        $pic_html  = '<object id="'.$player['id'].'" '.$player['classid'].$player['codebase'].$player['mime'].$image_size['whole'].'>';
        $pic_html .= "<param name=\"autostart\" value=\"$autostart\" /><param name=\"src\" value=\"". $picture_url . "\" />";
        $pic_html .= '<embed '.$image_size['whole'].' src="'. $picture_url . '" autostart="'.$autostart.'" '.$player['mime'].'></embed>';
        $pic_html .= "</object><br />\n";

replace with

                // There isn't a player selected or user wants client-side control
        if (!$user_player) {
            $user_player = 'UNK';

        if ($mime_content['content']=='movie' && $mime_content['extension']=='flv') {
    $flv =  $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filepath'] . $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filename'];
    $pic_html  = "<object type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"320\" height=\"260\" wmode=\"transparent\" data=\"flvplayer.swf?file=$flv?autoStart=false\">";
    $pic_html .= "<param name=\"movie\" value=\"flvplayer.swf?file=$flv?autoStart=false\" />";
    $pic_html .= "<param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\" />";
            $pic_html .= "</object><br />\n";

        } else {

        $player = $players[$user_player];

        $pic_html  = '<object id="'.$player['id'].'" '.$player['classid'].$player['codebase'].$player['mime'].$image_size['whole'].'>';
        $pic_html .= "<param name=\"autostart\" value=\"$autostart\" /><param name=\"src\" value=\"". $picture_url . "\" />";
        $pic_html .= '<embed '.$image_size['whole'].' src="'. $picture_url . '" autostart="'.$autostart.'" '.$player['mime'].'></embed>';
        $pic_html .= "</object><br />\n";


if u got problem with browser asking for plugin (on watchin other videos avi,mpg,wmf...) but the right one is installed:

search for

$pic_html  = '<object id="'.$player['id'].'" '.$player['classid'].$player['codebase'].$player['mime'].$image_size['whole'].'>';

replace with

$pic_html  = '<object id="'.$player['id'].'" '.$player['clsid'].$player['codebase'].$player['mime'].$image_size['whole'].'>';

4. download the flvplayer package from http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=Flash_Video_Player and upload "flvplayer.swf" to gallery root

5. upload flv files and watch them on ur site :) :)

hf  ::) :P

°gwenny  ::) :P

i make it so how you show it here.
but it doesent work.
what did i make for an mistake?
i use version 1.4.27 stram mod
can you help me?
and witch code do you mean what is in sample php?
can you put here the code?



Quote from: gwendolyn on July 24, 2006, 02:39:36 AM
hello all  :D :D
made a small player integration into coppermine gallery for FLV-Videos  :D :D
im no php pro or such .DD
what ull see if u r one *smile*
but it works and was the thing i needed :) :)

here are coming the install instructions:

1. download filetype editor MOD http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=24186.msg111120#msg111120

2. make new filetype "flv     application/x-shockwave-flash     movie     Flash player"

3. open theme.php (if code isnt insde paste the function "theme_html_picture" from /theme/sample/theme.php)

a) search for

                // There isn't a player selected or user wants client-side control
        if (!$user_player) {
            $user_player = 'UNK';

        $player = $players[$user_player];

        $pic_html  = '<object id="'.$player['id'].'" '.$player['classid'].$player['codebase'].$player['mime'].$image_size['whole'].'>';
        $pic_html .= "<param name=\"autostart\" value=\"$autostart\" /><param name=\"src\" value=\"". $picture_url . "\" />";
        $pic_html .= '<embed '.$image_size['whole'].' src="'. $picture_url . '" autostart="'.$autostart.'" '.$player['mime'].'></embed>';
        $pic_html .= "</object><br />\n";

replace with

                // There isn't a player selected or user wants client-side control
        if (!$user_player) {
            $user_player = 'UNK';

        if ($mime_content['content']=='movie' && $mime_content['extension']=='flv') {
    $flv =  $CONFIG['fullpath'] . $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filepath'] . $CURRENT_PIC_DATA['filename'];
    $pic_html  = "<object type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" width=\"320\" height=\"260\" wmode=\"transparent\" data=\"flvplayer.swf?file=$flv?autoStart=false\">";
    $pic_html .= "<param name=\"movie\" value=\"flvplayer.swf?file=$flv?autoStart=false\" />";
    $pic_html .= "<param name=\"wmode\" value=\"transparent\" />";
            $pic_html .= "</object><br />\n";

        } else {

        $player = $players[$user_player];

        $pic_html  = '<object id="'.$player['id'].'" '.$player['classid'].$player['codebase'].$player['mime'].$image_size['whole'].'>';
        $pic_html .= "<param name=\"autostart\" value=\"$autostart\" /><param name=\"src\" value=\"". $picture_url . "\" />";
        $pic_html .= '<embed '.$image_size['whole'].' src="'. $picture_url . '" autostart="'.$autostart.'" '.$player['mime'].'></embed>';
        $pic_html .= "</object><br />\n";


if u got problem with browser asking for plugin (on watchin other videos avi,mpg,wmf...) but the right one is installed:

search for

$pic_html  = '<object id="'.$player['id'].'" '.$player['classid'].$player['codebase'].$player['mime'].$image_size['whole'].'>';

replace with

$pic_html  = '<object id="'.$player['id'].'" '.$player['clsid'].$player['codebase'].$player['mime'].$image_size['whole'].'>';

4. download the flvplayer package from http://www.jeroenwijering.com/?item=Flash_Video_Player and upload "flvplayer.swf" to gallery root

5. upload flv files and watch them on ur site :) :)

hf  ::) :P

°gwenny  ::) :P

i make it so how you show it here.
but it doesent work.
what did i make for an mistake?
i use version 1.4.27 stram mod
can you help me?
and witch code do you mean what is in sample php?
can you put here the code?



hi, I'm new to the community and Thanks for this active community.

I want to use this player with my gallery, but I have one question
The player's site has an area where you can customize your player: http://www.longtailvideo.com/support/jw-player-setup-wizard
I only want to change the colors player's bar.
How would I implement this into my gallery? 