Random Option to integrate into HTML websites Random Option to integrate into HTML websites


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Random Option to integrate into HTML websites

Started by Jadoo, December 16, 2007, 01:47:01 PM

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Hello to everyone  ;)

Is there any possibility to integrate randomized pictures into any HTML website?

I am using Coppermine Gallery as a standalone next to my website, but would like to integrate some random pictures into my HTML website as well, such as a little preview.

I am using another Gallery too, but having problems from time to time with it. Would like to use Coppermine instead as well, but the only thing I would miss then is the random option for HTML websites. The script is already integrated in the show.php, only thing I have to do ist add the following code on any HTML site I like:

<img src="http://mygalleryurl.show.php?size=thumbnail&amp;album_name=myalbum;obj_name=show_random">

Thank you,


try using cpmfetch
www.add-fun.com look at the first page those pictures are taken from the database of the albums and shown to you on the first page of the site that is not in the albums
is that what you want ?


Thanks for this, I just tested it out. As the description says, single images can be embedded with a simple img tag. But it does not work. The installation was complete, no errors. But there's only shown a place holder instead of the image.

The code I used:

<img src="http://myweb.site/cpmfetch/cfimageget.php?album=10">

Would try out the php code, but I prefer to use HTML, not only because one of the servers of my webpages does not support php.

Joachim Müller

Moving this thread to the cpmFetch sub-board. Read the sticky threads there to find out what you need to do if you want support for cpmFetch



I read the manual, read the information at cpmfetch.fistfullofcode.com, searched this subforum and searched at google and even looked into the code of the several php files that are included in the cpmfetch folder. There's nothing that could help me out.

-Coppermine Photo Gallery v1.4.1
-CoppermineFetch v2.0.0
-Installation complete, no errors.

Used the following code to embed a picture into any html website:

<img src="http://myweb.site/cpmfetch/cfimageget.php?category=10">

Also tried:

<img src="http://myweb.site/cpmfetch/cfimageget.php?album=10">


<img src="http://myweb.site/cpmfetch/cfig_random.php">

But nothing helps, there's no picture shown.

??? ??? ???

Joachim Müller

Quote from: Jadoo on December 17, 2007, 05:07:04 PM
-Coppermine Photo Gallery v1.4.1
Then upgrade, you're running 13 versions behind.

You haven't done as suggested in the sticky threads. Example?
Quote from: vuud on February 28, 2007, 07:19:12 PM
Tips for asking for help

Here is some advice for posting here.  Note - not a single person here gets paid or compensated in anything but karma for helping.  This is not anyones job and you as the receiver of completely free (and in the case of CPG - very cool) software are owed NOTHING.  Nada. Zilch. Zero.

That being said, lots of people like to help.  In my years as a developer and end-user I have come up with two major rules to getting yourself good free support:

  • Make it as easy as possible for people to help - include all the relevant info you can think of.  If you are not sure if its needed, include it anyway.
  • Prove your research / show your work - List what you have tried, what you have read.  Include the examples of code.  Show that you put in some effort to fix this yourself.

Speaking for myself I will go to great lengths to help someone who is trying.  Some people have no idea, but they try and try.  Other people don't bother, but post a question without trying.  This thread http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=35646.0 is a great example of someone who clearly spent time trying to solve a problem.  The thread does not cover the elaborate test pages he forwarded to me to try to solve the problem. 

Steps to a happy online experience

First: Do some research.
Check the readme that came with your version, or look at them online off the cpmfetch.fistfullofcode.com web site.  Then, try a search of the coppermine-gallery.net forums.  For fun, you could also do a google search.

Second: Make sure you have the latest version.
I tend to release versions as often as needed to fix bugs. Yours may have been fixed. Check the online readme file for the most recent changes.  If a new stable version is due out soon, you may be advised to move to a development version.

Third: Add this to the top of your php page (Warning: does not apply to cfimageget.php)
This will force your php installation to generate error messages. Servers suppress errors to different degrees.

<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors',1); ?>

Things to include in a cry for help:

    * The Exact error message.  "I get an error about something..." - Copy and paste
    * What version of coppermine you are using
    * What version of CoppermineFetch you are using
    * A link to your website and gallery
    * A link to an example of the problem (if possible)
    * How computer savvy you are (newbie, intermediate, damn good)
    * What kind of web server you are running on (if known)
    * Include the code you are using.

Include anything that makes your situation unique.  Believe it or not, we do test the software - so when it breaks, sometimes it is because you are doing something we did not forsee (not bad, just not thought of).  These are most important to include:


  • Bridiging
  • Different domains, gallery on one, cpmfetch on another
  • Modifications to cpg

Can't see the link to your website or any other relevant piece of information that is needed if you want help.



I am planning to start a new gallery, so I created a new one and tried out the cpm fetch again. But I still do have the same problem as before.

Using Coppermine Gallery 1.4.18
Coppermine Fetch 2.0.0
Website: http://jadoogallery.ja.funpic.de/

Tested out the simple image tag: http://jadoogallery.ja.funpic.de/test.html

Thank you


i'm not sure if this is what you're wanting but here is an example of a site I have done


you can see on the left I have integrated cpmFetch into an Iframe with the background looking like it goes with the page. It can be slow on slow connections but loads up quite fast for me. Sorry if this is not what you were wanting to know but if it is let me know and I can try to help if you'd like.


Hello and thank you for your suggestion,

I already thought about that, but there would be a problem:

The server where PHP works uses advertisement as something like a popup. If I embedded the PHP code into an I-Frame to my HTML site, that piece (example as shown on your website) would be covered by that advertisement. And I won't search or register to any other server only for CPM Fetch.

The best solution would be a simple piece of HTML Code to include in your website, like that simple image tag which does not work.

And there is still my old gallery, where the opportunity to use simple HTML Code works. So I could keep some images in that old gallery and point the url to the new one...

At the moment every idea seems to be complicated.


Hi Jado,

I think that you are not listing the correct path in your url. I tried it on my site and it works fine.

I think you are missing the coppermine directory from your url.

Instead of:
<img src="http://myweb.site/cpmfetch/cfimageget.php?category=10">

it should be:
<img src="http://myweb.site/mycopperminefolder/cpmfetch/cfimageget.php?category=10">

As Vuud said in his installation instructions, cpmfetch should be installed in the coppermine folder, otherwise he can give no assistance. So make sure you've installed cpmfetch into your coppermine folder (e.g. cpg), and then change your url as I've shown. It should then work.

Hope this works for you.


Actually, maybe I was wrong...

I had the dev version installed (v2.1.1), and it did work properly in that. But I've now gone back to v2.0.0 (Stable) and it doesn't seem to work.

The reason why I went back to v2.0.0 is that the captions and other info don't seem to appear below the images.


Hi carverjnr,

So it doesn't work on your page as well?

I don't have any cpm folder, because I installed coppermine directly into the main root.