[Solved]: Bridging OK but no login from phpbb [Solved]: Bridging OK but no login from phpbb


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[Solved]: Bridging OK but no login from phpbb

Started by WebmastAir, July 28, 2008, 11:36:01 PM

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I don't anderstand why it doesn't work... when I log it goes to forums and come back but without any login access.
If I try to log within gallery, bridging goes deactivated.

Coppermine install: http://www.lescompair.be/photos/
Forum install: http://www.lescompair.be/forumn/
Coppermine version: 1.4.18
Forum version:PhpBB 2.0.23
Forum cookie name/preifx: phpBB2_forum

Is it possibble to have some help...
Thanks (I comme back tomrrow)

Joachim Müller


Your cookie settings are wrong in phpbb:

Host is .www.lescompair.be should be .lescompair.be
Path is /forumn should be /

Clear your cookies after you fix them.



Sorry, here are the asked infos :

Coppermine install: http://www.lescompair.be/photos/
Forum install: http://www.lescompair.be/forumn/
Coppermine version: 1.4.18
Forum version:PhpBB 2.0.23
Forum cookie name/preifx: phpBB2_forum
Test user account: test / 654321

URL du forum: http://www.lescompair.be/forumn
Chemin relatif à la page de configuration de votre forum:  ../forumn/
Utiliser les groupes basés sur le nombre de messages ?: Non
Préfixe du Cookie:  phpBB2_forum

For Nibbler:
Sorry but, I've allready tried other suggested possibilities (with some script-tests)... these are the good ones.


No, they are wrong. Coppermine cannot read the login cookie if you restrict it to /forumn only.



Sorry... you were right... it work now fine.

thank you very much for the assistance!

(Just, must I do anything when it's solved ?)

Joachim Müller

Quote from: WebmastAir on July 29, 2008, 04:29:55 PM
(Just, must I do anything when it's solved ?)
You could have clicked on "Accept answer" in the top right of your initial posting to mark it as solved. I did that for you now.


I thinh you want to say the button in the middle :