
CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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Started by gtarson, September 14, 2008, 08:25:00 PM

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Back again,

CPG: 1.4.19
Joomla: 1.5.7

I recently upgraded to Joomla 1.5.7 but my link to my bridged CPG renders the follow error: Error 500 - Internal server error

An internal server error has occured!
Please try again later.

Is there some step i should be taking with the bridge when I make these updates?
Thanks in advance for all your help.


Error 500 - Internal server error

An internal server error has occured!
Please try again later.

Coppermine install: http://tarson.net/cpg1418/
Forum install: http://tarson.net/
Coppermine version: cpg1.4.19 patch
Forum version: Joomla 1.5.7
Test user account: testuser/testuser

BridgeManager settings:
Forum URL:  http://tarson.net/
Relative path to your BBS's config file:  ../
Use post-based groups?:  1


ok guys I don't get it.
I updated files udb_base.inc.php via SVN and still get the error 500 internal server error.
I can unbridge from Joomla and CPG works fine minus my user accounts from Joomla when I rebridge I get the error 500 message.
Also when i run the versionchecker i get the error 500. I don't want to be a pain in the &$$ but im missing something somewhere.

Thanks again.


ok I got the version checker running didn't put the .PHP on the tall end ;D
All my folders are green and say 1.4.18  but the include/udb_base_inc.php and the include/functions.inc.php say 1.4.19 with the orange box containing 1.4.18.

Joachim Müller


I upgraded all directories to 1.4.19

I ran the update.php. I got "already done" or "ok" on all files.

I did not update the album directory.

I ran the version check.php and got the green light on all files updated to 1.4.19

Unable to connect to online repository but i could browse it.

when i rebridge i get error 500

Joachim Müller

Joachim Müller

When do you get an internal server error (on what page)? I was able to log in just fine.

However, I can see that you must be having issues, as you renamed your cookies (which is not a bright idea in the first place). You even chose the cookie prefix "tarson.net", which is a bad mistake, since dots are forbidden characters in cookie names (not just in coppermine, but everywhere on the www - it's part of cookie specifications). As suggested in the docs, you shouldn't have messed with the cookie name in the first place, as end users won't care about your cookie names anyway. Undo your edit, rename the cookie prefix in coppermine's config back to something that makes sense, e.g. "coppermine".



Changed cookies back to coppermine.

The conflict happens when a .htaccess file is used in the site root to bring me to php5. I also know that the coppermine doc states that php5 can be a issue. I know I shouldn't be looking for any help with Joomla but Joomla suggest to update to php5 with there current security update 1.5.7.

last night I renamed the .htaccess and followed instruction from the Joomla doc for those people (me) needing to stay with php4 because I was still getting the error 500. You must have viewed the site after I removed the .htaccess file. I can sight the Joomla doc later today to maybe shed some more light on the issue.

Again, I appreciate all the help and guidance and hope that you will continue providing it.
Thanks again.

Joachim Müller

A "500 internal error" is exactly what the name suggests: an unhandled error that hit the server unexpectedly. You need to review the server's logs to figure out what exactly went wrong. Ask your webhost for the log.


As promised below is the code reference from Joomla i used after i upgrades to Joomla 1.5.7.

The error in Joomla was a specific line of code in the function "stripos" because I was using PHP4 at the time of upgrade.

I used the second part:(upgrade to php5) to "fix" it.
I achieve the php5 upgrade through the use of the .htaccess file placed in the root directory of the site. it worked

After doing all this, I upgraded Coopermine to 1.4.19.
After the Coppermine update and invoking bridge, I got error 500

So with all this said, I am back to php4 via the first part of the fix in the code below (* Add this to the end of /libraries/joomla/utilities/compat/php50x.php...).
My goal was to have Joomla at 1.5.7, Coppermine at 1.4.19 and php5. I still need to contact my web server in regard to Error 500 (isn't this fun?)

Thanks again,

Here is the Joomla code:

Why can't users login in version 1.5.7 with php 4?
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As reported by auciker, because of a change made to improve security, login with redirection will not work for PHP 4 sites. This may also impact other areas where there is redirection, specifically polls and mailto.

To fix this:

   * Add this to the end of /libraries/joomla/utilities/compat/php50x.php

if (!function_exists( 'stripos' )) {
    function stripos( $haystack, $needle, $offset = 0 ) {
        return strpos( strtolower( $haystack ), strtolower( $needle ), $offset );

    * OR - Upgrade to PHP 5. PHP 4 end of life was August 8, 2008. There will not be any more PHP 4 releases, even for security. (Switching PHP versions may cause problems with some 3rd Party Plugins - be sure to test thoroughly).