SMF 2.0 Beta 4 -> cpg 1.4.19 bridging problem SMF 2.0 Beta 4 -> cpg 1.4.19 bridging problem


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SMF 2.0 Beta 4 -> cpg 1.4.19 bridging problem

Started by DoW Kid Rock, November 25, 2008, 09:02:44 PM

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DoW Kid Rock

ok so I decided to do a fresh install (weird as i originally installed 1.4.19...must have been the hack I added)
still having the problem that users are not able to keep their log in when they click on the coppermine link in my forum

here are the details

Forum URL:
cpg url:

test user: cpgtest / test pass: cpgtest

smf version: 2.0 beta 4
cpg version 1.4.18

bridge settings.

Forum URL:
BBS-configfile:    /home/wckr/domains/
use post count groups?:    2

sorry I forgot to check the configuration when I re I can't get back in again(have tried original coppermine username and pass, but doesn't let me in...even tried forum admin)

I have made sure that there aren't any local cookies being stored in my forum

Joachim Müller

Two issues:
  • Review your use of the www subdomain: cookie authentification is based on domains. Subdomains are different domains. For details, read up the corresponding section of the preliminary docs for cpg1.5.x - the advice posted there applies for cpg1.4.x as well.
    Your forum sets the cookie host as Your gallery sets the cookie for Mind the difference (leading dot)
  • Your webhost appears to inject ads into the coppermine pages - if this happens before the header information is being sent, cookies can not be read and won't work. Take a look at the output of your coppermine-driven pages: a lot of crap before the doctype-declaration (<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">).

DoW Kid Rock

ok so I can deal with changing the first problem...the cookies

as for the second it unfortunately is a condition of my hosting. can't afford hosting at the moment without adverts.  if I am reading this correctly it would be better not to try to do the bridging until I can get hosting without the extensive adverts at the top?

thank you

Joachim Müller

The injection doesn't necessarilly mean that bridging won't work. It will only interfere if cookie handling is not working as expected. Try fixing the first issue and then see if the second one is a show-stopper. However, I'd look for another webhost - they certainly don't qualify as appropriate webhosts if they don't even know how to inject ads properly. Injecting code before the doctype declaration is just a sign of not having a clue about how websites work. It's OK for a "regular" site owner not to know those details to a certain extent, but it's definitely a neede skill for webhosts - even for free ones.
Quote from: DoW Kid Rock on November 26, 2008, 08:49:26 AM
as for the second it unfortunately is a condition of my hosting. can't afford hosting at the moment without adverts.
What do you mean by that? Budget webhosting without ads is cheap - less then $50 a year afaik.

DoW Kid Rock

ok will work on it today.

as for the last part.....I have been out of work due to being really ill for over 2 months (part of the reason I am doing this site as I am really bored) and my partner is just about to have a baby.....= no cash at all.  when it is better I will move it to someplace better, but for 5Gb of storage and a really good uptime I will just have to suffer for now

thanks though