EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x - Page 8 EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x - Page 8


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EnlargeIt! AJAX GUI for CPG 1.5.x

Started by Timos-Welt, January 05, 2009, 01:19:00 AM

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Quote from: commonplace on June 17, 2010, 02:27:23 AM
I'm having an issue with this plugin. On my main/front page, when I click on "User Galleries", it shows the two users that have uploaded pictures (myself and my sister), but the image shows up as... I'm not sure what to call it. :)  But it looks like maybe a symbol for a movie/video? When I hover over it, the mouse turns into the "EnlargeIt" plus icon, almost like I could enlarge the picture, but of course I can't. And I'm not able to click the image to go into the user's gallery; I have to click their name. It's not a big deal but my end users are not that computer savvy and I'm sure this will confuse them.

My gallery is here:  http://photos.envail.com/

User name: test
Password: test123

You should be able to see what I mean without even logging in, though -- it behaves the same for guests as it does for registered users and admins. Let me know if you need any more information, or if anyone knows how to fix it. Disabling EnlargeIt! "fixes" it but I'm hoping to keep it enabled AND have this work. :)  Anything else I can do to help, please let me know! I've attached an image of the picture I'm seeing when I go to the User Galleries. When EnlargeIt! is disabled, it shows a random image from that user's albums and I'm able to click on the image in order to enter that user.


Did we ever get a solution to this? I am having the same problem on several sites. When I disable enlargeit I the problem goes away.

With enlargeit, if you have a user with more than one album, I get the black and white "movie snapboard clapper image" with the arrow on it. Normally you would click on that icon and it would open up the categories of that user. (If you click on the user name you don't get "categories" you only get a choice of "everything uploaded by the user") but Enlargeit is trying to open the icon instead of clink on the LINK that the icon represents.

The icon is different on Firefox and IE as well
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
IE 8.0.6001.18702

FF produces a 1" regular sized icon, but IE just gives you a small dot

This shot is 3 versions of a member gallery that contains two different albums. The first one is correct. The Second two are the error on 2 different browsers.


Enlargeit seems to work fine for other enlarging functions.


(same problem here:)

François Keller

Improvement of the french lang file and adding french translation to the doc of this plugin (thank's FBLEU)
Pack updated on the very first page of this thread
Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog



Thanks for the plug-in - nice stuff, looks really much neater than the standard! Somehow I have a little trouble getting along with it, mainly because of the navigation. Before installing it, when I clicked an album thumbnail, i used to navigate into the album. Now I only get this thumbnail "enlarged". If I navigate using navigation buttons of the plug-in I jump between the images, whose thumbnails are already on the screen (random files, etc.) but I can't just see the content of the selected album. Also when I navigate beyond the first or the last image the screen stays "darkened" and no image is displayed.

NB: I have several albums per category.

Thanks for a hint



Hey Timo.
I got a question about the "mouse" navigation...
When i click on a image, the "lightbox" open and i see the "Fullimagesize". Perfekt.
But where i can navigate with the mouse?
I have enable this function:

The only thing, that i missed here in the plugin:
When i click on an image, the image will close. But: I would be better to click on the right side of the image to navigate to the next image... click on the left side to get back to the last image-> click outside of the image-> close the image.

Greetz Hexo



sorry but I did not visit this thread for a looong time. IMO it's now time for me to restart working on this fine plugin. The current version has issues with FF5 and IE9 and it still supports no voting, comments or eCards - I'll start to get voting back as a first step and make it 100% browser compatible again.

See here to try it out the actual state (it's a beta version running on my server):

Changes up to now:
- mouse wheel navigation now works with IE8/9
- rounded border in IE9 (yeah!)
- button and title bar softly fades in for browsers != IE
- voting is back (at least the old style one for now)
- SEF URL support is back

I think I'll be able to release a beta version in the next days, so stay tuned.



It will be great to see this superb plugin back up to par with the new browsers. Things like the bbcode copy buttons not working etc are sorely missed.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Can anybody tell me how to skip thumbnails.php page and go directly to displayimage.php using enlargeit????


awesome plugin timos, cheers.

Is it possible to add social site icons and links to the displayed image?
I have socialshare installed, but because i use enlargeit, it skips the page or course. id quite like to let people share an image on their FB/twitter pages.

if this is an easy thing done by simple coding, plz let me know how.


thank you for this useful plugin but can you add a comment system and ranking please
special thank to you very good work


Timos-Welt are you still working on this?  If your busy I would be very interested in hiring someone to add all the listed/requested features.  The plugin is of coarse yours afterwards to do with as ya please.  I don't care about any credit, only that it is shared with everyone.  I really think this plugin brings the gallery to a new level and would be more than willing to pay to have it finished up for the community.  Thank you for your great work!


Not much time, sorry. Attached you find the latest beta that works fine with IE9 and has voting feature as in CPG 1.4. Hope this helps a bit, and hope it works for you.

You'll have to put some files into your gallery root, see readme.txt for details.
Uninstall any previous version completely before trying out this beta.

Edit: Removed attachement because newer beta is available.


Gallery root? We are back to the early days. Joachim will be coughing up his coffee lol.

As ever, great works and thanks for getting this out. Hopefully sometime we will have you back as a regular, you have been missed.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Gallery root is neccessary to enable voting and comment function (later) for now. It will take more than my PHP knowledge to adapt these to work without gallery root placement.



I used the cpg1.5.x_plugin_enlargeit_v1.15.zip and it works :)
but a little thing
the view counter counts correct with the Enlarged Viewer - but the album at /thumbnails.php?album=lasthits
isn't updated - any suggestions?

Thanks for your help!


Here's another beta (v3.00beta1). Added some nice fancy effect stuff, better support for CSS3 and modern browsers, and a few bug fixes. Have fun and please report if it doesn't work correctly in a certain browser.

You may have a look at it 'in action' here.

Have fun!

Edit: Added beta 2. Fix for IE in compatibility mode. Optimized some code.

Edit2: Removed beta files because newer beta is released (scroll down).



I tested on latest Firefox with Beta 2 (except in the plugin list it states 1 ????), the buttons on top are NOT shown when not logged in, although it is set in config.

On latest Chrome, and not logged in, the buttons are shown, but the Mouse navigation does NOT work (on firefox mouse nav works)

qui custodiet ipsos custodes


Please make sure that you clear your browser cache and reload your website freshly after updating EnlargeIt! plugin.



Right, sorry for that, I didnt clear the cache before.
Now I have and restarted both browsers on my test site http://test1.fotofantastic2.nl/index.php

Now Mouse navigation works on both, all buttons on top are missing on both, either logged in or not. BUT they are clickable, so it must be some color setting in my page I guess
qui custodiet ipsos custodes


Ah I see - please use a glide animation for now, I'll have to fix fade in/out button zIndex. Thanks, I was able to reproduce it, this will be fixed with the next beta.
