[Solved] Impossible to create Albums !! (french.php !) [Solved] Impossible to create Albums !! (french.php !)


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[Solved] Impossible to create Albums !! (french.php !)

Started by Rodinou, October 16, 2003, 01:40:13 AM

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So ...

I go to album

I'm selectif in which category/sub category I want to create

In 1.1.0, when I pushed on "Apply", I had a Javascript alert which said "are you sure to create blabla" ... and the album (and index of it) was created

In 1.2.0, I create the album, I push on "Apply", No javascript content to confirm, I'm on the "continue" page, but ... no album is created !!! :(

Help !



Did you press new, then enter the album name, and then hit create album? If so, try it in debug mode and see if any useful data comes back.

"Then, Fletch," that bright creature said to him, and the voice was very kind, "let's begin with level flight . . . ."

-Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull



I have tested in another language (English) et it works well ... so I have understood the problem came from french.php

Line 284

        'no_change' => 'Vous n'avez effectué aucun changement !',

Remove simply     '

I continue to test to send you a "good" french file, too many errors ...

However, I'd rather this than a problem with php scripts :)


Thanks, Rodinou!

BTW, you can keep the apostrophe if it should be there by escaping it like so:

'no_change' => 'Vous n\'avez effectué aucun changement !',

"Then, Fletch," that bright creature said to him, and the voice was very kind, "let's begin with level flight . . . ."

-Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull



You have right ... but the problem comes from here !!!

In the original code, we have

        'no_change' => 'Vous n\'avez effectué aucun changement !'

But when php code becomes html code, the \ disappears ... and finally we have

Vous n'avez effectué aucun changement ! > and then ... BUG :)

I have tested to put 2 \\ ... One disappears with php > html, and the other stays ... but it bugs, too :)

So not put        '            is (for the moment), the easiest solution.

Joachim Müller

3 suggested fixes for such issues:
  • make it 3 backslahes: 1 to escape the single quote (for php) and 2 to escape the backslash needed for JavaScript, like this:'no_change' => 'Vous n\\\'avez effectué aucun changement !'
  • You could also try using & # 3 9 ;  (without the spaces; I just added them so the board won't replace it with single quotes) instead of single quote (haven't tested this yet) and not escape it at all.
  • Or, use a workaround based on your language: to avoid the clipping of "ne avez" to "n'avez", you could try changing the grammar of the sentence (sorry, my french is very bad, so I'll explain it in english): instead of "you haven't made any changes", make it "no changes were made" (see: the apostrophe even vanishes in english :wink: ).[/list:u]



It seems with 3 slashes it works :) First time I see it, why not :)

So I have made the changements about french errors

Line 323, find
'restore_cfg' => 'Restorer les paramètres d\'origine',

Replace Restorer by Restaurer

Line 324, find
'save_cfg' => 'Sauvergarder la nouvelle configuration',

Replace sauvergarder by sauvegarder

Line 347, find

array('Largeur du talbeau principal (pixels ou %)', 'main_table_width', 0),

Replace talbeau by tableau

Line 362, find

array('Nombre minimum de votes nécessaires pour qu\'une image apparaissent dans la liste des images les mieux notées', 'min_votes_for_rating', 0),

Replace apparaissent by apparaisse

Line 383, find
array('Longueur ou hauteur maximale pour les images uploadées (en pixels)', 'max_upl_width_height', 0),

Replace maximale by maximal

french.zip with this modifications is downloadable at http://www.sortons.net/photos/french.zip Thanx to the Dev Team to put it on your site :)


Sauf votre respect, maître Rodinou, longueur et largeur sont féminins.

So "maximale" is correct. You don't have to change it.


Encore meme plus fort, Monseigneur : maximale doit prendre un S

quoique la de toute facon, la c toi ki a raison (on peut singulariser ou plurieliser)

Bravo :)

je fais la modif : merci.