Limited CPG Functions, looking for what settings need to change on server Limited CPG Functions, looking for what settings need to change on server


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Limited CPG Functions, looking for what settings need to change on server

Started by capecodgal, July 27, 2009, 08:54:35 PM

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I am hoping you guys may be able to provide me with some guidance; but I have a sneaking suspicion the answer may be as simple as "get another host'

I have been using CPG for a number of years now and am fairly familiar with how it all works and I rarely have issues once its running.

I have one hosting environment that seems to limit my CPG functionality and I am looking to find out what in the world they may have disabled to cause these issues. Essentially they do give me WHM access to the server but it is a very stripped down version of it and not all features are shown to me; I suspect this is where my true problem lies that they have set something and hid it so it can not be changed. And if anyone is interested this company is called Mellow Host - they are fairly in expensive but I am learning they are not good for large galleries and here is why:

When batch uploading images if there are more then about 50 images in the batch, it will not show you the list of files to check off, instead the script brings you back to the browse batch add screen to start over. Removing files under there is less then 50 or so in the directory fixes this issue or making multiple folders within that folder (each not containing more then 50 images) will also "fix" it

When asking them about this ofcourse they tell me to contact support for the script which I know is not where the problem is because I have this script on 50+ websites and the ones not on this server never have this issue.

Any ideas on what type of setting this could be and how I could change it? Would creating a custom php.ini file be able to override their default settings on the server? Just trying to decide if it is even worth renewing with them for another year; or if this is a lost cause and they are holding all the cards.

Thanks for any advice you may be able to give


That sounds like Suhosin. Looking at your phpinfo page will tell you if that is the case. Using a custom php.ini that increases the suhosin settings will probably alleviate your issues.


Ahh thanks Nibbler! That gives me some direction to go in. If I am able to reverse what they have set I'll update the post incase anyone else has the same or similar problem.


I have been able to confirm it is suHosin that is used on this server compared to my other hosting environments that use suPHP

I am unsure which setting I should try to override; the only place I see values of 50 are related to 'max array depth'

Does that sound right to you, that max array would effect the batch add?


Thanks Joachin; that link gave me the values I needed to place in my custom php.ini  ;D

This can be marked as solved as I have gotten working and if anyone else has the same problem here is how I was able to override the default settings on the server:

In your /home location (outside of public_html) create a .htaccess file and place the following code in it:

suPHP_ConfigPath /home/user/public_html

Then inside of public_html create a php.ini file and place the following code inside:

php_value = 10000
php_value suhosin.request.max_vars = 10000

Joachim Müller

Thanks for resolving your thread. For the benefit of others with similar issues: the instructions posted by may apply for capecodgal's server setup, but they can not be taken as general recommendation.