Change what shows on "Mouseoverimage" thumbnail Change what shows on "Mouseoverimage" thumbnail


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Change what shows on "Mouseoverimage" thumbnail

Started by net, January 19, 2009, 10:03:06 AM

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I'm trying to modify what shows when you put your mouse over a thumbnail, but i can't find the code for it.

Example: when i drag my mouse over a thumbnail i get this information about it:

Filename=beautiful_world_ns.flvFilesize=14643KBDimensions=320x240Date added=Jan 07, 2009

Is there anyway to change this to only display:

Date added= Jan 07, 2009

You can see for your self on my gallery here: (drag mouse over thumbnail)

If you could point me into the right direction in the code, ill probably figure it out my self, thanks for the help!


Modify include/ here

                        $pic_title =$lang_display_thumbnails['filename'].$row['filename']."\n".
                                $lang_display_thumbnails['filesize'].($row['filesize'] >> 10).$lang_byte_units[1]."\n".
                                $lang_display_thumbnails['date_added'].localised_date($row['ctime'], $album_date_fmt);



Sorry to open this one up again, i've noticed while using "highslide" plugin it uses these data from to function properly. Is there anyway to tell browers to not display this information on "mouseover" but keep the code in

If i remove or modify the code as mentioned above, my highslide picture plugin will fail to work properly.

Thank you!



Sami came up with a novel way of affecting the ALT text (the text that shows up when you hold the mouse over a thumbnail) at the point the html is built for a thumbnail via your themes.php, with no modification to the file -- which also means no problem with updating.  Not to sure how it would affect any plugins, though.,34859.0.html