Critical error to login after installed of CPG 1.4.25 Critical error to login after installed of CPG 1.4.25


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Critical error to login after installed of CPG 1.4.25

Started by godmel, December 11, 2009, 06:57:45 AM

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Dear all,

I got the following error messages via http://my_web_site/cpg/ after installed CPG. Can someone to tell me how to fix it? In fact, I have referred some advices from other members that were posted before. But the problem still exists. So please help on it...  :-[

Coppermine critical error:
Unable to connect to database !

MySQL said: No database selected

Thank you!


1. your link is not an actual link so it did not need to be posted.

2. Coppermine critical error:
Unable to connect to database !

MySQL said: No database selected

Are you sure you inputed the right information when you tried to install the gallery. did you enter your database username and password and write the correct name of your database...remeber that if your site were actually called mysite then the database would probably start with mysite_databasename


Thank you very much for your reply. web link was called "", so I have created a new DB name called "deep18_cpgdb" in mysql console. After that, I tried to reinstall CPG and I got the same error message. Please advice for me again.  ???

Thank you!


are you sure you uploaded everything and that the rest of the information is correct...especially the db username and password and the prefix for the db too do you have one...some make their tables start with


This is my DB tables structure and one of the table you are mentioned "gallery_" was not found...

Show tables: `cpg14x_albums`, `cpg14x_banned`, `cpg14x_bridge`, `cpg14x_categories`, `cpg14x_comments`, `cpg14x_config`, `cpg14x_dict`, `cpg14x_ecards`, `cpg14x_exif`, `cpg14x_favpics`, `cpg14x_filetypes`, `cpg14x_hit_stats`, `cpg14x_pictures`, `cpg14x_plugins`, `cpg14x_sessions`, `cpg14x_temp_data`, `cpg14x_usergroups`, `cpg14x_users`, `cpg14x_votes`, `cpg14x_vote_stats`

I'm quite sure that the DB name, login id and password is correct, the above tables was created by running /install.php itself.

Joachim Müller

Post an actual link and not a dummy placeholder! Read up board rules and do as suggested there!


hmmm, since the tables exist in the database you have obviously installed the gallery software. did you accidently delete or edit the config file?


check that directory and make sure it is still living in there...hopefully you have copied all the items in the gallery directory to your computer so you can reupload a new one to overwrite the one there.


Thanks for your advices, I found the /include/ file is empty. So I will try to upload all files again and will update you shortly the result.

By the way, I understand the board rules now and will follow. Thanks for administrator to remind.

Jeff Bailey

Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. - Henry Ford


Dear all,

After I reload all files on my server then perform installation again, I got the following error on screen but I saw the table is exist in current DB. So I don't understand that.

While executing query "SELECT * FROM cpg141x_config" on 0
mySQL error: Table 'deep18_cpgdb.cpg141x_config' doesn't exist

Please have a look the error message and hope someone can give me advices on this error.

For your information, I can see all tables on current DB which is created by coppermine gallery itself. That means the database login id and password is fine, DB structures is fine during the installation.

Million Thanks.


if you want better help you need to put the link to your gallery here, not just the link to the error message.

that way the creators can really check things out better.


Actually I still under the installation process for my first Coppermine web gallery but with problem here,
so that I was asking for your help.

This is my real link of my Web gallery and I'm so sorry for that it can't loading up at this moment. :(

I cannot complete the gallery installation so that I can't provide you the first page of my gallery web site for your reference.
I will cooperate with you for every information you need me to provide.


I see, I think.

Installation is what is giving you trouble.

are you sure you are entering the prefix to your database tables correctly?

deep18 is this the database name?

_cpgdb is this supposed to be the prefix --- like what is in front of the table name?

go to your database and take a screenshot of the page that lists your tables and post that image will not give anyone any personal information just show us the tables listed in the database---remove the upper part of the browser page.


Attached. Please find the screenshot of my DB structures and for your refernence.

Thanks for your help.

Joachim Müller

Quote from: godmel on December 14, 2009, 07:55:15 AM
Please have a look the error message and hope someone can give me advices on this error.
Self-hosting is not recommended nor supported. Your URL indicates that you're self-hosted, which you really should review, as you don't appear to have the skills to do so. I don't think that the webserver integrated into the NAS device you appear to be using is an adequate tool to host a database-driven app like coppermine. Anyway, what you're asking is way beyond the scope of this board: we can't teach you how to set up a database properly.


when you enter the information to install

you enter the:
database name
database username
prefix...which looks like you enter cpg141x and since your tables have no prefix try  leaving that part blank.

I tried to pm you but find I am not allowed to send personal messages, sorry.


nevermind I read it wrong...forget what I said. I am stumped.


ok, looked at it again and this is the error pay attention to the words in big and bold:

mySQL error: Table 'deep18_cpgdb.cpg141x_config' doesn't exist

Your tables prefix are not with the number 1 you should write: cpg14x_   for the table prefix

try that and see what happens.


Thank you very much for your help, I will try and will let you know shortly.   ;)