[Closed]: Won't Redirect - SMF/CPG [Closed]: Won't Redirect - SMF/CPG


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[Closed]: Won't Redirect - SMF/CPG

Started by aj21, January 15, 2010, 06:29:25 PM

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Hi, my problem was fixed, and now it's back. It happened after I changed the board to it's own add-on domain, and this wknd, the gallery should be changing to another domain, although they are part of the same site... Anyways, here's my problem. Thanks in advance.

I have the following issue when trying to bridge coppermine and SMF 1.1.11:
the bridge was fine til my host went in yesterday to try to fix the domain. Now the board is under themontrealforum.com and the gallery (currently is habs.glitznglamour.com) soon to be alhabs.net/gallery. However, when the bridge is enabled, I go to habs.glitznglamour.com/gallery and i go to login at SMF, which is correct. However, once I log in, it doesn't redirect, and no matter how many times I type in 'habs.glitznglamour.com/gallery it takes me to the SMF login page. I have disabled local cookies in SMF. I have the subdomain one checked, I tried it unchecked, it still didn't work. I cleaned my cache. I am out of ideas.

Coppermine install: http://habs.glitznglamour.com/gallery
Forum install: http://habs.glitznglamour.com/board (also themontrealforum.com) (i've tried using both addresses, they both don't redirect)
Coppermine version: cpg1.4.25 i think?
Forum version: SMF 1.1.11
Test user account: testing / test123

BridgeManager settings:
Forum URL:  http://habs.glitznglamour.com/board (also themontrealforum.com)
Relative path to your BBS's config file:  ../board/
Use post-based groups?:  0
Cookie name/preifx (if applicable)


The gallery is not bridged so I can't test your issue. Post back when it is.



You need to be consistent with your domains. Use the same domain name for both Coppermine and SMF.


They're both set to habs.glitznglamour.com/ whatever though.
and it still won't work.
Just the board is a seperate domain name but both still hosted @ glitznglamour.com.


It can't possibly be. When I go to http://habs.glitznglamour.com/gallery I get redirected to http://themontrealforum.com/index.php?action=login so you must have the wrong URL set in the bridge manager.


There's an add-on domain that's being redirected through the cpanel, which i need to keep on because themontrealforum.com is the name of that site.
it's being hosted @ habs.glitznglamour.com/board, and habs.glitznglamour.com/gallery
HEre's my coppermine bridge settings

ridge Wizard: enable/disable BBS integration
Your bridge settings
Forum URL:    http://habs.glitznglamour.com/board
Relative path to your BBS's config file:    ../board/
Use post-based groups?:    1
Enable integration/bridging with Simple Machines (SMF) 1.x
enable    disable

Joe Carver

Why do you not just set everything to the redirect url? Although I am no expert on bridging, what you are trying to do just doesn't make sense.........i.e. How will the script being redirected back and forth know where it belongs as far as cookies go?

http://themontrealforum.com  is where  put you should put your cpg and forum. Then set the bridge to work between them within that domain only. Sure you can keep your redirect for visitors that don't know your new url, but won't confuse the scripts once they land on themontrealforum.com.


I'll try to explain as best I can.
The website is going to be 'allhabs.net'. The gallery and board are both part of that, however they are all being hosted @ habs.glitznglamour.com/whatever.
the board is having it's own separate domain name (themontrealforum.com) even though it is the board of 'allhabs.net'
it's like this on purpose, and it's not me who's deciding it. i'm just trying to get the site up for someone.
so the gallery and everything else is going to be allhabs.net, while the board has it's own domain but they are ALL hosted at habs.glitznglamour.com/whatever

does that make more sense?

the board is set up through habs.glitznglamour.com/board (which in the cpanel is masked as themontrealforum.com)
habs.glitznglamour.com/gallery and the habs.glitznglamour.com stuff will be masked as allhabs.net (by early next week i hope)

is this completely retarded of me to expect it to work or what?

Joe Carver

Quote from: Nibbler on January 15, 2010, 10:35:24 PM
You need to be consistent with your domains. Use the same domain name for both Coppermine and SMF.


but they are both hosted @ the same place and both are linked at the same place, so i don't get it.. *sighs*

Joachim Müller

That doesn't matter. They are different domains anyway. The cookie authentification mechanisms (i.e. the way cookies are designed to work in your browser) specifiy that only script from domain A can read cookies set by another script on domain A. A script on domain A can not read a cookie set by domain B. It doesn't matter if they are hosted on the same machine, nor does it matter if you own both of them and one is just a redirection for the other. As far as cookie technology is concerned, the domain differ and thus can't be used.
Solve your issue by properly setting up your redirection before anything happens on authentification level. Be consistent in the use of your domains. That's all we can say. There is absolutely no way we can change the way cookies work on the www.
There's little point in your argument how you want thinks to work or how you think that things should work: that doesn't matter. Things simply don't work the way you want. It's beyond your powers nor ours to change that, and if you had the insight needed to come up with changes of that technology's design, you would agree that it would be bad if cookies worked the way you propose. They don't work that way, and that's fine.
Constant redirection and thus keeping the content of your site on two domains is bad in nearly any aspect I can think off: it's bad in terms of search engine frienndliness, bad in terms of usability, bad in terms of technology. What should be the benefit of using two different domains anyway? Redirect one to the other and you'll be good.


i understand what you're saying but i'm just saying, this isn't my site, i'm trying to get the gallery up and the board up for someone and this is what THEY wanted. i stopped doing website design 4 years ago and this is my first attempt at it, and things have changed quite a bit.
thanks for all your words, i understand now and im trying to explain to him what you have said.