More meta albums for cpg1.5.x More meta albums for cpg1.5.x


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More meta albums for cpg1.5.x

Started by Αndré, February 11, 2010, 03:34:53 PM

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This plugin adds new meta albums to your gallery.

Currently available meta albums:

  • image: All pictures
  • movie: All videos
  • audio: All audio files
  • document: All documents
  • landscape: Landscape format pictures
  • portrait: Portrait format pictures
  • panorama: Panorama format pictures
  • lastcommented: Last commented pictures (group comments for the same picture)
  • mostcom: Most commented pictures
  • mostvot: Most voted pictures
  • toprateda: Top rated pictures (differs from 'toprated', details see here)
  • newalb: New albums (differs from 'lastalb', as it uses chosen album thumbnail as thumbnail and also its upload time instead of the upload time of the latest file)
  • randalb: Random albums
  • randuseralb: Random albums in user categories
  • randpublicalb: Random albums in public categories


Great! May I ask for more meta albums? I have some ideas.


Sure :) That are only the meta albums I have in my gallery since some years :D


Here are some ideas I would find very useful:
- meta album videos (all video file types)
- meta album images (all image file types)
- meta album files (all files that are not videos or images)
- meta album mp3s
- meta album portrait format images (width < height)
- meta album landscape format images (height < width)


Good call Timo but how about a custom meta plugin. We have loads of different things meta albums could be created by such as "uploaded by" or even ones based on IPTC data (brand taken by, date, lens etc). Not sure if possible but might be usefull.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Quote from: Phill Luckhurst on February 11, 2010, 06:55:57 PM
how about a custom meta plugin
Please elaborate. Isn't this a custom meta plugin ???

@Timo: I'll add your suggestions soon.

Maybe a config screen to enable/disable meta albums will be needed if the plugin grows. I plan to add config options for menu items anyway :)



Maybe I should have explained better. By custom meta albums I really mean the user could create premanent meta albums based on search results(ish). So he inputs a name for the album then gives the criteria for this album such as *.mov, *.flv, IPTC=Camera Manufacturer, taken by user x etc

Uses for example, a large photography website where each month a particular photographer could be showcased simply by creating a meta album of all the images they have uploaded. Or maybe they want to show off wide angle photography so could create a meta album of all wide angle shots (taken from lens data in IPTC). Maybe a car website wants to show off all images tagged Ford.

Again, not sure if it is technically possible but would be usefull.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


That's more a 'search' feature imo. As I already mentioned somewhere, I created an advanced search for my website. You can call the 'result' with the appropriate parameters. Maybe I can port that to this (or another) plugin. Currently it's customized to my website and my needs.


Added new meta albums image, movie, audio, document, landscape, portrait in version 1.1.


Added new meta album newalb in version 1.2. That version uses the recently introduced plugin hook theme_thumbnails_album_types.



Hi André
in Most Voted Table, I get the Most Comment Title
could you please point me to where fix this?
thanks in advance

My gallery:
Most Voted Table said: Los más comentados
Most Commented Table said: Los más comentados


Fixed in svn. Do you want to share your Spanish language file with us? If so, I'll include it to the next release.


svn? sorry, don't understand you...

attached is my spanish file, thanks


Thanks. Version 1.4 attached to initial post. I edited your language file slightly (encoded in UTF-8 without BOM and replaced HTML entities accordingly).


ok, thank you!
but the mistake with most commented title in most voted table continue... at least in spanish version...


Quote from: mipavluk on November 06, 2010, 12:42:37 AM
the mistake with most commented title in most voted table continue
Cannot confirm. You have to replace all files of the plugin, not just the Spanish language file.


I already do it, but the mistake is still there...


yep, but the problem is the title of the table...

the table for most voted (Los más votados) still said: Most commented (Los más comentados)


and in my index:
second table... with the star... should said: Los más votados (most voted) but said: Los más comentados (most commented) like the next one which is the really most commented