App issue inserting into temp_messages table App issue inserting into temp_messages table


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App issue inserting into temp_messages table

Started by Darwin, April 07, 2010, 02:55:07 PM

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I have a fresh install of 1.5.3 and the installation seemed to go well.

I am in the midst of testing the gallery.  The only user is my administrative account.  When logging in or out I get critical database errors:

Apr 07, 2010 at 05:01 AM - While executing query 'INSERT INTO cpg15x_temp_messages  SET  message_id = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e',  user_id = '0',  time   = '1270641672',  message = 'Welcome+dgadmin+...'' in include/ on line 4807 the following error was encountered: ^M
Duplicate entry 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' for key 1^M

I am using MySQL 5 and sharing the table with a PHPBB 3 instance.  I checked the table using phpMyAdmin and the table appears to be defined properly, and is empty.  I am not sure of what versions of web server I am using.

When I click a menu item (such as Home) I seem to do OK.  I haven't even gotten to the point of testing uploads etc, as I want to get each piece resolved as I encounter it.

Any ideas?



I'll see if that fix works tonight.

I need to learn to search a little more effectively.


The fix worked for me...
Just replaced

$message_id = md5(uniqid());


$message_id = md5(uniqid(''));