[Invalid]: Redirect Not Working After Logon - phpbb3 and cpg [Invalid]: Redirect Not Working After Logon - phpbb3 and cpg


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[Invalid]: Redirect Not Working After Logon - phpbb3 and cpg

Started by BigRed, April 23, 2010, 09:43:47 PM

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0I have the following issue when trying to bridge coppermine and phpbb3:
[error message here]

Coppermine install: http://www.lsrcc.com/gallery/
Forum install: http://www.lsrcc.com/portal/
Coppermine version: cpg1.4.26
Forum version: phpbb3 3.0.7-PL1
Test user account: test / testtest
BridgeManager settings:
// define the var array
$default_bridge_data['phpbb3'] = array(
 'full_name' => 'phpBB version 3',
 'short_name' => 'phpbb3',
 'support_url' => 'http://www.phpbb.com/',
 'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.lsrcc.com/portal',
 'full_forum_url_used' => 'http://www.lsrcc.com/portal',
 'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../portal/',
 'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => '../portal/',
 'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0',
 'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0',
  'cookie_prefix_default' => 'phpbb3_82eot',
  'cookie_prefix_used' => 'phpbb3_82eot',

I'm having issues after logging in through cpg not getting re-directed back to cpg, it just goes to the board index. I did try altering the ucp.php (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,53678.0.html) without any success. I'm sure its my inexperience and lack of knowledge and I bet its going to be something simple.

Joachim Müller

Redirection after login is a feature in some bridging apps. In others, it's not a feature. Anyway, this is something you need to change in your bridging app, not in Coppermine. We're not familiar with your bridging app. That's why you need to ask this somewhere where the people who know your bridging app (phpbb3 in your case) are. We're not familiar with your bridging app and therefore can't help you. Marking thread accordingly.


Quote from: Joachim Müller on April 24, 2010, 01:18:13 PM
Redirection after login is a feature in some bridging apps. In others, it's not a feature. Anyway, this is something you need to change in your bridging app, not in Coppermine. We're not familiar with your bridging app. That's why you need to ask this somewhere where the people who know your bridging app (phpbb3 in your case) are. We're not familiar with your bridging app and therefore can't help you. Marking thread accordingly.

I used the bridge app from this website, http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,53678.0.html


By bridging app we mean PHPBB3 in your case. Yes, we provide the bridge but all that does is hand over user control to the third party app (PHPBB3). As many of us do not use that app we cannot really offer any help. If you go over to the PHPBB forums a quick search will tell you exactly what part of their code to modify and IIRC they even provide a .zip file that includes the modified files.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.