cpgShop - a PayPal shopping cart - Page 7 cpgShop - a PayPal shopping cart - Page 7


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cpgShop - a PayPal shopping cart

Started by Stramm, October 11, 2010, 05:04:51 PM

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You need to group the prices in sets, that's what you enable with "enable/disable CPGShop for pics in an album"


Thanks for your help and your time. You do a great job!
The next time I will read better the documentation.


I need help again!
By the moment I had only enable "wire transfer
I have problems when I Make a purchase, when I click on "step 4 >>> "finalize your order" it doesn't show the bank account data.
It only shows the "view cart" button
Do you have any suggestions? Is there a step I'm missing?


Quote from: mikezeta on February 25, 2011, 02:24:19 AM
I need help again!
By the moment I had only enable "wire transfer
I have problems when I Make a purchase, when I click on "step 4 >>> "finalize your order" it doesn't show the bank account data.
It only shows the "view cart" button
Do you have any suggestions? Is there a step I'm missing?

the plugin doesn't work for me after step 4
I'm sending a test link.
Any idea?
http://www.fotosdemaraton.com/test/   user: test1    password: a6x1

Thanks in advance



I could solve the problem. Tomorrow I'll tell you about this bug


The problem happened when I configured the option "yes" in "Atach a pdf invoice to the order confirmation"


Please export your shop config and email the sql to me.


Stramm, would you please pm me, interrested in the full version :-)


Hi, I don´t know where send you the sql. please, send me email or pm.


Hi Stramm,
A couple of things:

1. Can you PM me re- full version?

2. How can I move/reformat the "View Cart" button?

Many thanks,
Nick M.


Hi Stramm
I've got your cpgShop set up and everything seems to be working great, nice work on this by the way. I've also purchased and installed an SSL certificate for my website and want to donate to receive the full version of the shop. The one part I'm running into a wall though is the paypal configuration involving the openSSL certificate settings and public certificates, key settings, ect.. I did a little research on how to set these up particularly the openSSL but this part is way over my head and further complicating this is I'm on a Mac. Is it possible to pay you to set this part up (over and above the donation). If you could let me know.



The plugin in its basic version doesn't come with PayPal IPN nor with digital image download support.
For a donation I'll send you the full version. Just leave a message here and I will contact you using the forums private messaging system.

How I can donate ? Amount ? For the full version ?
I have 325 albums to adapt with paypal shop plugin, is there a quick way to add the plugin for all the folders in 1 time, now I have to check every folder.

Great work !

Quote from: Stramm on October 11, 2010, 05:04:51 PM
cpgShop - a PayPal shopping cart.
Updated: 11.11.2010 - actual version cpgShop 1.0.1

This plugin is based on the beta cpgmart plugin that has been coded by foulu for cpg 1.4x some years back.

Here are some of it's features.

  • Sell downloadable pictures
  • Downloadable content resized on the fly
  • Password protected download folders
  • Sell for print pictures
  • Various shipping methods
  • Additional shipping fees for certain prices
  • Additional shipping fees for differnt countries
  • PayPal support
  • PayPal IPN
  • PayPal IPN logging
  • Encrypted PayPal buttons
  • Cash on delivery support
  • Wire transfer
  • Item options
  • Discounts (codes)
  • Customer needs to agree to TOS (optional)
  • Modified register page with mandatory address fields
  • Modified profile page to reflect this new fields
  • Easily make these fields not mandatory
  • All email templates can be modified in a web backend
  • Invoices (text, html, pdf)
  • Customer can be informed about order state changes
  • Workflow with virtual folders - incoming, paid, printed, processed.
  • On status changes orders can automatically be moved into their corresponding folders.
  • Customer has a order history
  • Customer can check the order status
  • Customer has the possibility to resend his download password and invoice
  • Customer can cancel orders as long the order state has not changed from incoming
  • Admin can lock the download folder
  • Admin can resend the download password
  • Admin can resend the invoice
  • Admin can delete the download folder
Just try it and see what this plugin can do for you.

Currently this language files are included
- english (I hope some native english speaker will correct my wording)
- german

The plugin in its basic version doesn't come with PayPal IPN nor with digital image download support.
For a donation I'll send you the full version. Just leave a message here and I will contact you using the forums private messaging system.

Please use this thread for your suggestions and ideas. Of course you can ask questions here as well or post if you have problems.

Read the cpgShop documentation
View the cpgShop changelog

Christian Revival Network is about the good news of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.


Quote from: nickm321 on March 15, 2011, 01:53:28 AM
2. How can I move/reformat the "View Cart" button?

The wording you can change in the lang file (plugin dir /lang/country.php)
The css is a standard CPG one (class buttonlist) . That you can modify in your themes css file (themes/your theme/style.css)


Quote from: camster on March 15, 2011, 10:39:57 PM
Hi Stramm
I've got your cpgShop set up and everything seems to be working great, nice work on this by the way. I've also purchased and installed an SSL certificate for my website and want to donate to receive the full version of the shop. The one part I'm running into a wall though is the paypal configuration involving the openSSL certificate settings and public certificates, key settings, ect.. I did a little research on how to set these up particularly the openSSL but this part is way over my head and further complicating this is I'm on a Mac. Is it possible to pay you to set this part up (over and above the donation). If you could let me know.


I hesitate creating the keys for you as these should stay 'private' and are an essential part of your shops security. Creating these keys isn't very difficult if you follow exactly my directions (copy/ paste) http://stramm.bplaced.net/wiki/doku.php?id=cpgshop#ssl_certificates_and_keys . OpenSSL is available for Mac as well... (Macports) so you shouldn't run into problems at all.


Quote from: christianr on March 16, 2011, 08:52:58 PM
I have 325 albums to adapt with paypal shop plugin, is there a quick way to add the plugin for all the folders in 1 time, now I have to check every folder.

I've added this functionality into the 'enable cpgshop for certain albums' dialog.

Next to an album click 'Enable/ disable CPGShop for pics in an album'. Now scroll down to the bottom and in the dropdown box select 'Show pictures from all albums' instead of 'From the selected album only'. As a result all images of the entire shop get shown. With the quick edit dialog at the top you can enable/ disable the shop for all shown pics. Mark the checkbox to enable the shop, unmark, to disable it. Choose price and option groups and hit edit.

edit button.


Thanks Stramm, I got MacPorts working and followed your instructions under how to create the "SSL certificates and keys".
1.) I believe it generated a Private Key but I'm not sure what part is the key. Theres a series of dots and plus signs followed by a letter and and a series of numbers, some with brackets
for example  (not actual) 
c is 86792 (0x20003)
can you tell me what part is the key, all of the above or just the letters and numbers?
2.) Public certificate
"Answer the questions and you're done with the key generation. Just move the cert and the key to the place where you store your keys. By default that is for cpgShop the plugins/cpgshop/keys directory."
I entered the command "openssl req -new -x509 -key own_privk.pem -out own_pubk.pem -days 365" and answered the questions starting with country name and ending with email address, but after email address it asks for a new command? did it create the certificate somewhere?
Probably elementary questions here but OpenSSl is completely new to me, if you can help me get over this bump I should be able to get the PayPal settings done.




first you need to generate the private key. Cause it's easier browse to the directory where oipenssl is installed. Then type (copy/ paste) the command I've written down in the link above.
A private key with the name own_privk.pem will be created within the openssl dir. You can add a path to the name to let openssl create it somewhere else.

Then type the second command. It requires the private key. If it's not in the openssl dir, you need to attach the path to it. As out filename I've chosen own_pubk.pem. It'll get created in the openssl dir, too. With adding a path to it, you can create it elsewhere...

Upload the pub key to paypal and pick up your CERT ID, enter it in the shops config, download paypals pub key. All keys you need to upload in a directory to your server. Best is, to keep them somewhere not accesible from the web. Enter the key path/ names into the shop config.


Ok I think I've got it, MacPorts is little different but going from your guide and post I think I have it figured out. I'll list here if there are other Mac users.
If you are on Mac you need MacPorts as your OpenSSL
- Using Terminal type the first command as described in the SSL Security section[http://stramm.bplaced.net/wiki/doku.php?id=cpgshop]of the CPGshop guide
- That command creates the key for the certificate
- Using Terminal type the second command as described in the SSL Security section[http://stramm.bplaced.net/wiki/doku.php?id=cpgshop] of the guide
- This creates the certificate for  own_pubk.pem (in my case in the top level of my hard drive)
- Click on the file own_pubk.pem and it will open an App called Keychain Access.
- You can then view the certificate and all important CERT ID
- Copy the CERT ID and paste into your PayPal settings as described in the guide.

Thanks Stramm hopefully I got this right.


I've set up all of my cart settings and inserted prices/groups and everything including cart seems to be working great until "Finalize your Order"
When that is clicked I get this error message.

There is a problem with cart or shipping data. Please go back and fix:

    * Data inconsistent: It seems that product data has changed since you're shopping. Please start the checkout again and verify the values.

The first time I logged out and logged back in but got the same message, The last time I changed any data (pricing ect.) was about 1 week ago but I get the same message? I tried on a different computer as well thinking it might be a cookies issue.
Any ideas on how to fix this would be great.



I have a problem here... In Portugal we have to pay 23% of taxes...

Well when i put 23% in config panel, it works great, but i discover a little problem...

The taxes are calculating like this exmpl:

5€ x 23% = 1,15€

This result are wrong, because it should be like this...

5€ x 100 / 123 = 4.07 -> this is the valor without taxes...

And the tax is 0.93€

Now if you make the math 4.07 (valor without tax) + 0.93 (tax valor) = 5€

Now i will prove my teory that cant be directli mutiplied...

If you have 5€ x 23% = 1,15€

5€ - 1,15€ = 3,85€ (valor without tax)

3,85€ * 23% = 0,89

So 3,85€ + 0,89€ = 4,74€ this diferente from the original valor of 5€

So the right equation it should be

5€ * 100 / 123 = 4,07 (valor without tax)

5€ (valor with tax) - 4,07 (valor without tax) = 0,93€ (valor of taxes)


4,07 / 100 * 123 = 5€

This is the right equation to calculate taxes...

Now pls where i can modify the equation?

Sorry my english... im portuguese.
