Adding new file permission Adding new file permission


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Adding new file permission

Started by EagleMark, February 17, 2011, 06:33:16 PM

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Wonderful product and I am having fun with it!

But I am trying to add permission to add a new file. It is a specific file for fuel injection computers and ends in .bin Example ASDU.bin

I added bin to file settings and it is there but when I try to upload a bin file I get this error message:
Only files with the following extensions are accepted: jpg/jpeg/gif/png/asf/asx/mpg/mpeg/wmv/swf/avi/mov/mp3/midi/mid/wma/wav/ogg/doc/xls/pps/ppt/mdb/txt/rtf/pdf/zip/gz

There is no bin there?


Have you added that file type to the known file types table? If not, you can use the file types editor plugin to do that.


I have not seen a plugin for this?

I went to "Config" then "Allowed Document types" and added the "bin"
Example "doc/txt/rtf/pdf/xls/pps/ppt/zip/gz/mdb/bin/adx"


Also found Filetype Plugin and installed it, looks like it will be handy. But I do not understand "MIME" types? My searches came up in language other than english... can you explain mime type for the filetype plugin?
