Fatal Error after upload. Fatal Error after upload.


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Fatal Error after upload.

Started by Walkinman, March 16, 2011, 09:37:55 PM

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Hey Folks

I'm finally trying to upgrade from my older version of cpg 1.4something to the newest version, and I've hit the (for me) inevitable snag. Now I'm getting this error:

Quote"While executing query 'SELECT MAX(group_quota) AS disk_max, MIN(group_quota) AS disk_min, MAX(can_rate_pictures) AS can_rate_pictures, MAX(can_send_ecards) AS can_send_ecards, MAX(can_post_comments) AS can_post_comments, MAX(can_upload_pictures) AS can_upload_pictures, MAX(can_create_albums) AS can_create_albums, MAX(has_admin_access) AS has_admin_access, MAX(access_level) AS access_level, MIN(pub_upl_need_approval) AS pub_upl_need_approval, MIN( priv_upl_need_approval) AS  priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg_usergroups WHERE group_id in (3)' in bridge/udb_base.inc.php on line 323

mySQL error: Unknown column 'access_level' in 'field list'

I am trying to follow the docs, but must've messed something up.

I've tweaked a lot of the settings and so forth over the years, and I'd like to maintain those settings; I'm trying to upload the newer files into my present cpg folder, rather than just upload a complete new cpg1.5.12 folder and then upload my older tweaked files into that.

I hate my website being offline and dysfunctional like this, so any help asap is greatly appreciated. I'm pretty ignorant about all things technological, so appreciate if any instructions offered might be dumbed down to the lowest level so I can undertand them.

Thanks so much




Hey Folks

Sorry - I should've posted the url

Stock photos.

After I uploaded the files, I went to update.php and ran that, but the error is still there.

Thank you.




Hey folks

OK . I've found how to display debug notices. The update page shows me:

Debug Info
Debug Output: show / hide
Notice line 188: Undefined index: keyword_separator
Warning line 272: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource
Warning line 330: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource
Warning line 333: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource
Notice line 442: Undefined index: purge_expired_bans
Notice line 244: Undefined index: session_cleanup
Warning line 325: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource
Warning line 341: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource
Warning line 346: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource
Notice line 348: Undefined index: disk_min
Notice line 208: Undefined index: browse_by_date
Warning line 1559: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skola2/public_html/stock/update.php:2)
Warning line 1560: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skola2/public_html/stock/update.php:2)
Notice line 2115: Undefined index: contact_form_guest_enable
Notice line 2118: Undefined index: display_sidebar_guest
Warning line 162: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skola2/public_html/stock/update.php:2)
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Notice line 3706: Undefined index: performance_timestamp
Notice line 5554: Undefined index: enable_menu_icons
Warning line 3792: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/skola2/public_html/stock/update.php:2)
Warning line 3792: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/skola2/public_html/stock/update.php:2)

If that might help someone offer me some assistance I'd really appreciate it. I just uploaded all the newer cpg files again, so I'm thinking that the problem is likely not as simple as leaving out a few files.

Appreciate some assistance,





Please search the board for that error message:
QuotemySQL error: Unknown column 'access_level' in 'field list'

You'll find a lot of solved topics. It seems that your database tables haven't been upgraded completely.


Hey Andre

I've read quite a few of the posts that touch on the issue, but I don't know how "upgrade the database tables completely". I've gone to Admin Tools and tried to "update database" .. I get a page that tells me this:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cpg_sessions ( session_id varchar(40) NOT NULL default '', user_id int(11) default '0', time int(11) default NULL, remember int(1) default '0', PRIMARY KEY (session_id) ) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Used to store sessions' OK
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cpg_filetypes ( extension char(7) NOT NULL default '', mime char(30) default NULL, content char(15) default NULL, KEY extension (extension) ) TYPE=MyISAM COMMENT='Used to store the file extensions' OK
ALTER TABLE `cpg_filetypes` DROP INDEX `EXTENSION`, ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `extension` ) Already Done
ALTER TABLE `cpg_filetypes` ADD `player` VARCHAR( 5 ) Already Done
INSERT INTO cpg_filetypes VALUES ('jpg', 'image/jpg', 'image', '') Already Done
INSERT INTO cpg_filetypes VALUES ('jpeg', 'image/jpeg', 'image', '') Already Done
INSERT INTO cpg_filetypes VALUES ('jpe', 'image/jpe', 'image', '') Already Done
INSERT INTO cpg_filetypes VALUES ('gif', 'image/gif', 'image', '') Already Done
INSERT INTO cpg_filetypes VALUES ('png', 'image/png', 'image', '') Already Done
..... and so on

Would it be possible to maybe get some kind of instruction on how to do that? I'm not a programmer type at all, and I don't know how to fix this. I went to myPhpMyAdmin and looked at that, but I have no idea how to solve this. The topics I found so far tend to hint towards how to do this without actually offering instruction. I have no idea what "SQL Queries" are or how to do that ... I've contacted my webhost (lunarpages) but so far no help there.

I've followed the docs on upgrading pretty closely, but they don't seem to address how to solve this issue, from what I can tell. Would you, or someone, please mind maybe offering some step by step instruction on this? I'd really appreciate it, and from what I can see, it's a common enough problem that it might be useful to some other people as well.

Thanks so much




If running update.php doesn't fix your issue, you have to run all queries from sql/update.sql manually. Please read that thread. Maybe that thread helps you, too.


Hey Andre

I ran update.php a number of times . it doesn't fix the issue. I read those threads earlier. I do not know how to "perform the commands of sql/update.sql manually, especially that line:
ALTER TABLE CPG_usergroups ADD access_level tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '3';

I don't know how to run the SQL query or what that means. I can sign in to phpMyAdmin, and found the database tables . but I don't know what to do then. If you or someone can offer a step by step instruction, rather than saying 'run the query' that wold help immensely.

For example, I downloaded the file Joachim provided here but I don't know what to do with it?

(the prefix for my database appears to be cpg - see attached screen shot)
I click on the SQL tab on phpMyAdmin.

Then I assume I copy and paste all or part of Joachim's file into the empty box and hit 'Go'? Is that correct?

I know it might be painful for you, but I really don't know the database end of this site at all, and would be very grateful if you can offer a step by step instruction or something like that.

Also, just out of curiosity, why would something like this happen for some users and not others? Is there something I can do to make sure it doesn't happen again?

Thanks so much.




You cannot use Joachim's file, as the table prefix differs from your setup.

Have a look at the file 'sql/update.sql' and replace all occurrences of 'CPG_' with your table prefix 'cpg_'. Please try to understand what you're doing. You perform changes to the MySQL database. Maybe you'll get error message, which are probably the cause why update.php doesn't work as expected. You can try to copy the whole content of the file to the SQL tab of phpMyAdmin. If it fails, execute each line one by one, so you'll see which line doesn't work.


Hey Andre

Thank you for your continued help. I appreciate it.

So, to be sure, I can open the update.sql file in my editor, and change all instances of 'CPG' to 'cpg'. Then upload that file to the sql folder. Then if update.php still doesn't work, I go to the SQL Tab of phpMyAdmin, paste the file into the box, and click go? If that doesn't work, I copy and paste each line, one at a time, and click 'go' each time. to see what happens?

Is that correct?

Thanks again.




Hey Andre

I copied the update.sql file into the box under the SQL tab, and clicked 'go': this is what returned:

SQL query:

# Create temporary table to store messages carried over from one page to the other
CREATE TABLE cpg_temp_messages(

message_id VARCHAR( 80 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT  '',
user_id INT( 11 ) DEFAULT  '0',
message TEXT NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( message_id )
) COMMENT =  'Used to store messages from one page to the other';

MySQL said:

#1050 - Table 'cpg_temp_messages' already exists

I've no idea what that means or what to do about it.

Am I on the right track?

Thank you.




In that case you can ignore the error message, as that table has already been created by the updater. Just continue with the next lines. You can ignore all message like that.


Hey Andre

Thank you.

Ahh .. OK.

I copied the rest of the file, and got this message:

SQL query:

ADD PRIMARY KEY (  `extension` ) ;

MySQL said:

#1091 - Can't DROP 'EXTENSION'; check that column/key exists

What do I do about this?

Thank you




I cannot determine if you can ignore that error message. I assume that line has also been executed successfully. Continue with the next lines and test if your gallery works as expected.


Hey Andre

Something must be wrong; I just went line by line, and am getting an error for every line in the file. Obviously this isn't going to work, as I'm sure you don't want me to post the results for each and every line. Do you have another suggestion?

One question I have .. does me running these lines over and over cause any kind of problem, or does it merely test the file?

Thank you




Without having a look at the error message I cannot say what's going wrong. What exactly happens when you try to run the following query?
ALTER TABLE cpg_usergroups ADD access_level tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '3';


Hey Andre

Thanks for your assistance. I've handed the issue on to my webhost, and they are dealing with it.

