Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): after upgrading Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): after upgrading


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Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): after upgrading

Started by Anrulz, October 03, 2011, 11:29:48 PM

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I upgraded from from an old 1.5 to latest cpg, I deleted all files folders except anycontent.php, config file and albums folder, I uploaded new files, I deleted install.php then I visited my gallery, everything looked nice!but when I click on a picture or login I get :

Fehler 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): Zu viele Umleitungen.

Means too many redirections ... FYI : I dont have a .htaccess file.So I thought maybe my new server has some problems tried to make a fresh cpg install on another database and this one worked fine, all good, so I said maybe if I change database information to my formal cpg all will work but it didnt I had exactly the same 310 Error, so from here I am assuming the problem is with my tables, but I dont know what to edit, what do do ... I would be glad if you guys can help me!Thanks a lot

PS:Cant give the URL for security reasons, but if it is really necessary I can PM the mods.



If you don't want to give us your gallery url, we cannot give you support.


I am sorry you are right , I think editing the first post is not possible but here is the url:

and the dir is pwd protected here it is : login/pass = galdor.hababam : thyglr

The problem is I assume with the "login"

when the debug mode is on there are lots of stuff being displayed but I turned it off now from phpmyadmin, if necessary I can turn it on again.

Thank you very much,



Yes it was bridged with joomla but I disabled the bridge from the config file I set 1 to 0.


would it be possible to switch to wordpress and let every picture like a new artivle or maybe 10 pictures as one article?


Quote from: Anrulz on October 07, 2011, 03:04:15 PM
Yes it was bridged with joomla but I disabled the bridge from the config file I set 1 to 0.
Just to make sure, please reset all values in the bridge table.



I compared a fresh install config db and my config and changed allow_unlogged_access to 3, now pictures are available for viewing but unfortunately login still has the same problem

Joe Carver

Start looking at your .htaccess files for redirects / rewrites that could interfere.

Your hosting company might be able to help.


From the initial post:
Quote from: Anrulz on October 03, 2011, 11:29:48 PM
I dont have a .htaccess file

To verify if there's really no redirection outside of Coppermine, please rename login.php to something different and create a new login.php file with the content
<?php echo "test"?>


When I click login I see only the text : test, right now I am leaving it like this but I will be testing new stuff like taking the login.php from the fresh install and replacing but I dont think this will solve ...


If you see "test" it means, that the redirection issue comes from Coppermine and no redirection rule as Joe expected. Replacing all core files might fix your issue. Please give it a try, maybe some files got corrupted during upload.


Better than replacing I deleted all the files except config, albums and anycontent, then unzipped the latest package, and later I ran the upgrade or update.php ... there is nothing to replace ... all files are core files but in phpmyadmin I see that the fresh cpg I installed has few more tables than my old installation, I dont know why ... but I dont think this causes the problem



I did what I said on the 3rd of October, so it isnt working.The problem is with the database ...When I change the config file of a fresh new install cpg with my old config file which means I use the database of my old cpg, the login.php is giving the same error.


Sorry I missed the
Quote from: Anrulz on October 12, 2011, 10:19:39 PM
I dont think this causes the problem

If it's your database, it's impossible to say what's wrong without having a look at your database. Please attach a dump of your Coppermine database to your next reply.



[attachment removed]


There's something wrong with your cookie settings (I haven't checked yet what exactly). Additionally a workaround has been implemented wrongly causing an infinite loop.

Please open login.php, find
$ref = $CPG_REFERER ? '?referer='.urlencode($CPG_REFERER) : '';
and replace with
$ref = $CPG_REFERER ? '?reload_once&referer='.urlencode($CPG_REFERER) : '?reload_once';


This helped now there isnt the infite loop but when I login it tells me : Welcome guest ... and I dont look like logged in ... because login.php is still displayed and I dont see admin options or logged user options ... and in the login.php it gives me this warning :

Enter your username and password to login
Warning your browser does not accept script's cookies

In the database I changed "cpg15" cookie to "hababam_galeri" something like this, created my own cookie, can this be the problem?