Recaptcha and ecards in cpg 1.5.12 Recaptcha and ecards in cpg 1.5.12


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Recaptcha and ecards in cpg 1.5.12

Started by brtzz, March 16, 2011, 09:00:55 AM

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Has someone the information about what should be changed and where to get the recaptcha working with the ecard function in cpg 1.5.12?

Thank you!


I would really like this too. Adding Recaptcha to 1.4.x completely cut out the hundreds of spam postcards a day I was getting.  They haven't started up again yet, but I really would like to prevent using our postcards for spam without requiring registration.


I would like to see this too. Its shocking that there isn't a captcha on the ecard in the vanilla coppermine install.


Has someone found a solution for this yet? I had to disable e-cards for guest because I was getting much spam. I would like to enable e-cards for guest, but then with captcha.


Quote from: quick5pnt0 on August 09, 2011, 08:34:37 PM
Its shocking that there isn't a captcha on the ecard in the vanilla coppermine install.
That's a feature that has to be included to the next release of cpg1.5.x imo. I'll try to add it asap.

Joe Carver

Quote from: Αndré on December 01, 2011, 04:57:40 PM
That's a feature that has to be included to the next release of cpg1.5.x imo. I'll try to add it asap.

If you can add a plugin hook into the cpg captcha routine, I can try to add ecard to the recaptcha plugin. My asap might take a little more time though... :)


Afaik the cpg1.4.x captcha plugin already added its captcha to the ecards, so it should work with the already existing hooks. But as you asked for a new plugin hook within the captcha routine, I wonder where exactly it should be added and what it should be do?

Joe Carver

Quote from: Αndré on December 02, 2011, 11:54:32 AM
Afaik the cpg1.4.x captcha plugin already added its captcha to the ecards...

Yes it did and I used that as guide to make it work with recaptcha. I will need to look at that plugin and ecard.php to speak with more accuracy, but I think I tried to make the recaptcha active only when the ecard was being sent, not when it was being previewed. At the time I think there was a small challenge to do that because the preview function was closely tied to send. (it is early in the day and I wrote that a while back, so please excuse any mistaken memories...)

I will take a closer look over the next couple / few days.


To enable captcha for ecards, download the attached file and extract it. Then, upload it to your gallery root and replace the existing ecard.php file. Now you have to visit enable_ecard_captcha.php with your browser, so if your gallery is located at you have to enter to your browser's address bar.

Please report if it works as expected or if you've any trouble with that mod, as I schedule to include it to the next release.

Joe Carver

It looks to work fine in my test gallery.  :)

I will try to implement it into the recaptcha plugin within a week to 10 days or so.


I implemented as per instructions and it "works" in the sense that there is now a captcha below the ecard input, but the image shows the famous red square.


Oh, since I do not have a "testing" environment, I replaced the e-card.php file again with my old e-card file and disabled e-cards for guest again.


Quote from: EndlessQuest on December 09, 2011, 03:27:34 PM
I implemented as per instructions and it "works" in the sense that there is now a captcha below the ecard input, but the image shows the famous red square. returns an captcha image for me. It doesn't make sense that it won't work at other places. However, this individual issue shouldn't be discussed in this thread, so please start a new thread if you want to fix your captcha issue.


That feature will be in the next release of cpg1.5.x (cpg1.5.18) and also in cpg1.6.x (added in SVN revisions 8299 & 8300). To enable it in cpg1.5.x, download the appropriate attached file and extract it. Then, upload it to your gallery root and visit the file with your browser while logged in as admin.

Example: if you want to enable the ecard captcha for everyone, upload enable_ecard_captcha_everyone.php to your gallery root. If your gallery is located at you have to enter to your browser's address bar.
