How to hide Album stats like "last updated" and "how often viewed"? How to hide Album stats like "last updated" and "how often viewed"?


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How to hide Album stats like "last updated" and "how often viewed"?

Started by Berliner Bloggade, December 28, 2011, 10:36:44 PM

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Berliner Bloggade

After severel years I have to completely renew my huge coppermine-gallery into a new site and here I wish to show only the counter for the number of pics in the albums. The other statistics should not be shown on the albums overview-site, this brings to much text-information to it.

I searched several times in the board and web but found now solution ... what would be the best way?

link to my new gallery is

THX for help!


You have to edit the function theme_display_album_list. Have a look at those threads:

especially at the following code:
                '{ALBUM_TITLE}' => $album['album_title'],
                '{THUMB_CELL_WIDTH}' => $thumb_cell_width,
                '{ALB_LINK_TGT}' => "thumbnails.php?album={$album['aid']}",
                '{ALB_LINK_PIC}' => $album['thumb_pic'],
                '{ADMIN_MENU}' => $album['album_adm_menu'],
                '{ALB_DESC}' => $album['album_desc'],
                '{ALB_INFOS}' => $album['album_info'],
                '{ALB_HITS}' => $album['alb_hits'],

Unfortunately "x files, last one added xyz" are stored both in 'album_info', so you have to edit index.php, too. Find,
$alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_info'] = sprintf($lang_list_albums['n_pictures'], $count) . ($count ? sprintf($lang_list_albums['last_added'], $last_upload_date) : "") . (($CONFIG['link_pic_count'] && $link_pic_count > 0 ) ? sprintf(", {$lang_list_albums['n_link_pictures']},   {$lang_list_albums['total_pictures']}", $link_pic_count, $count + $link_pic_count) : "");
and replace with
$alb_list[$alb_idx]['album_info'] = sprintf($lang_list_albums['n_pictures'], $count);