flash player plugin flash player plugin


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flash player plugin

Started by lookingcm, February 08, 2012, 06:54:20 PM

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I have downloaded and installed cpg1.5.x_plugin_flash_media_player_v1.9.zip under Coppermine 1.5.18

There was/is JavaScript issues with this plugin in Internet Explorer 7, 8 and possibly others.

I have found a post where someone has modified codebase.php to fix the issue. However, it seems the codebase.php is older than that of in version 1.9 of the plugin and if installed could possibly cause other bugs?

Does anyone know if this issue has ever been resolved and or what the current solution is? Very surprising that so few use a flash player/HTML5 to play flash/mp4 video files in their galleries.

Thank you in advance!


Please describe exactly those "JavaScript issues" and it would be also very helpful if you'd post a link to the mentioned solution.

Quote from: lookingcm on February 08, 2012, 06:54:20 PM
Very surprising that so few use a flash player/HTML5 to play flash/mp4 video files in their galleries.
How do you know how much people use that plugin? :o


Quote from: Αndré on February 24, 2012, 02:56:42 PM
Please describe exactly those "JavaScript issues" and it would be also very helpful if you'd post a link to the mentioned solution.

How do you know how much people use that plugin? :o

The issues I have described are known issues, they are documented under the thread where you can download the flash player:


PS: Judging by the replies, support, and lack of solution, I could only conclude that very few use this or there would have been a lot more noise and a solution. Almost 2 months later, there is still no reply or solution. This thing is dead :\ Perhaps everyone who needs a flash player to play video files in their galleries is writing their own module and or hacking the broken existing modules.


Quote from: lookingcm on February 08, 2012, 06:54:20 PM
I have found a post where someone has modified codebase.php to fix the issue

The only difference I can see is, that gldickens3 replaced
        $player = "plugins/flash_media_player/player.swf";
        $player .= "?file=$file";
        $player .= "&image=$thumb";
        $player .= "&autostart=$autostart";
        $player .= "&backcolor={$style['background']}";
        $player .= "&frontcolor={$style['color']}";
        $player .= "&lightcolor={$style['color']}";

        // Use skin if available
        if ($handle = opendir('plugins/flash_media_player/')) {
            $skins = array();
            while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
                if ($file != 'player.swf' && stripos($file, '.swf') || stripos($file, '.zip')) {
                    $skins[] = $file;
            if (count($skins) == 1) {
                $player .= "&skin=plugins/flash_media_player/".$skins[0];

        $pic_html = <<< EOT
            <object type="{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['mime']}" width="{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pwidth']}" height="{$CURRENT_PIC_DATA['pheight']}" data="$player">
            <param name="movie" value="$player" />
            <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" />
            <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />

          $pic_html = "<embed src=\"plugins/flash_media_player/player.swf\"

Unfortunately I cannot test that change, as I've currently no access to IE7/8 with Flash support.


Well, indeed I've got the same video problems with IE 32 bit and 64bit, Win7-64bit. All videos uploaded or streamed to CG need a loooooooong time to be displayed. A white field remains for minutes at the place where the vid should be shown. All other browsers work fine. I did try all flash-player plugins and the streaming plugin too. It is always the same issue. The white field remains for a long time. Other Websites do not cause any flashplayer problems to my Internet Explorer.

So it isn't the plugin. It's something else. But I have absolutely no Idea what it could be.

I use the Chaotic Soul theme and did update the player-download-descriptions from classic "sample.php": no effect.

Maybe someone here finds the solution?

Thank you so much


I only have a 1000 connection but it works good for me. I tried "Back to Back Ankle Biter" and "testvideo", no problems. Testvideo without HD.
I`ve Windows 7, 64 bit and IE 8 and 9.
MfG. Bernd


Well Bernd,

you are right. Thank you for helping out. In my office I'm connected to a Microsoft Small Business Server-Domain (.local) and the problem above appears. At home I've got direct web-access and all the flash vids are shown as soon as you click them. Isn't that sick? As soon as I've got the solution I'll post it at this place.
If someone knows how to change the CG-code it would help a lot - as all other websites with flashvids work fine within the SBS.

Thank you


The flash media plugin is indeed broken. It does not utilize proper JW flash player API which results in JS errors. I have spent some time and implemented a dirty hack to switch from JW player, which isn't free for commercial use, to flowplayer. No more JS errors. Whoever maintains the flash player media plugins needs to update it. It should support thumbnails using ffmpeg and use flowplayer instead of JW Player, or support both. All this should take no more than few hours of coding.

Again, I have no idea why so few use coppermine with video.  ???


Quote from: looking on April 17, 2012, 02:18:20 AM
Whoever maintains the flash player media plugin
That's me. I just tested the flash media player plugin with WinXP & IE8 at my local testbed - works as expected. So please post a link to your gallery (or even better, a link to a flash video in your gallery that doesn't work as expected). It doesn't help when a couple of people just blame that it doesn't work with their IE in their gallery.

I created the plugin to make your life easier, not to make mine harder. I personally don't use this plugin. So unless somebody gives some helpful input, there won't be a fix.


Was hoping to throw my hat in here... Andre, if you're around. I'm having playback issues with the plugin. Basically, on PCs, only WMV works. On macs, nothing works. On iOS, only MP4s work. I'm running IE, Safari, Chrome and Firefox and the issue seems to be across the board.
Is there a way I can switch the Flash>HTML5 preference to prefer HTML and test that?



Quote from: josh.wallingford on August 29, 2012, 08:56:47 PM
I'm having playback issues with the plugin. Basically, on PCs, only WMV works. On macs, nothing works. On iOS, only MP4s work.
The plugin doesn't play WMV files, but only FLV, MP4, MP3 and AAC files. If the plugin is installed, it's automatically used for the supported file types, regardless if your system has Adobe's Flash Player installed or not. So it should work on all system that have the flash player plugin installed.

Quote from: josh.wallingford on August 29, 2012, 08:56:47 PM
Is there a way I can switch the Flash>HTML5 preference to prefer HTML and test that?
Uninstall the Flash Media Player plugin.