Transparent overlay for thumbnails Transparent overlay for thumbnails


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Transparent overlay for thumbnails

Started by afri-explore, February 05, 2012, 12:23:44 AM

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We use cpg1.5 for photographic competitions and on-line judging.

(Theme - hardwired and classic tested)

I have installed the plugin to use file title for a tool tip to hide the file name on the thumbnail as it includes the name of the author (required to identify the author for admin use).Unfortunately the image title is still available when you right-click the thumbnail and use save image as option.
Is it possible to put a transparent mask over thumbnails?

Intermediate images do have the option of a transparent mask that stops downloading.



There's no built-in overlay for thumbnails. I'm not sure if I understood your intention correctly. You want to hide the file name as it contains the name of the author? I don't know how an overlay could change that behavior, as the file name is still the same and accessible via generated the HTML source code.


Thanks for the reply Andre.
There is an overlay on the intermediates where the file name of this image is called image.gif.
That means if you right-click the image to try and download the image, the system will download the transparent image.gif.

This is a security measure to stop someone downloading images.

The same security feature is not available for thumbnails (maybe because of the image size), but if you right-click the thumbnail and use the 'save as' function, the file name is used as default. I would like to find out if the same scripting that is used to overlay other images can be applied to overlay thumbnail images with a transparent .gif image? This will effectively then hide the file name on the thumbnails.


Quote from: afri-explore on February 24, 2012, 04:39:51 PM
This is a security measure to stop someone downloading images.
This prevents just some very inexperienced users. It's still possible to download that image and thus see the file name. Of course it would be possible to add the transparent overlay to thumbnails, but IMHO it's not worth the effort to create that mod.


We run two instances of  cpg 1.5 for our photography club.
The one in question is used for online judging and I do not want to allow the judges to see the file name.

I managed to get file name in the file info disabled, filename and other detail disabled on intermediate (set to full size).

Only item that remains is the right click and save as option on a thumbnail that shows file name. Another change I will need is to remove some menu options. Members only need to upload an image and all the other options confuses them  ;)

Can you point me to where the transparent overlay for the intermediate is and I can then play around to find a solution.

Main gallery is on


You could add something like the code below to the head of your template. This will disable the right click function on all pages. It will not prevent people looking ad Andre sugests above but it will make it slightly harder.

<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
var message = "function disabled";
function rtclickcheck(keyp){ if (navigator.appName == "Netscape" && keyp.which == 3){ alert(message); return false; }
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 && event.button == 2) { alert(message); return false; } }
document.onmousedown = rtclickcheck;

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


I try it out and respond to the users on the outcome


That will of course just work when JavaScript is enabled in the visitors browser.

Regarding your second question, please respect our board rules (e.g. to ask just one question per thread). However, what you asked for has been answered many times before, so next time please search the board. To prevent a new thread dealing with that same question I exceptionally answer your question here: either use the Final Extract plugin or modify your theme.


I apologise for creating a two question scenario.
I did search for thumbnail overlay or similar and found nothing useful, as I saw that as an issue that could solve my predicament - the right click is another solution instead and I did not think of that.