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suggest plugin

Started by jakkto, September 26, 2012, 08:37:42 AM

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i suggest plugin to facebook funsite auto share
can we do a plugin that on public photo in gallery auto share on facebook funsite or photos that are 10/10 vote stars?
sorry for my english
you know what i mean?


I don't get when/what should be shared. If it should be shared automatically, we need some kind of trigger (upload, comment, vote, view, ...). What's a Facebook "funsite"?

Don't get me wrong, I don't volunteer to create such a plugin.


in attachment is printscreen on fun site where site share with fans popular photo
i see it that way
image on coppermine is popular (50 views) and when is 50 views script share = send this image  (link) to FB site of page

this is very good idea to do that


sorry not fun site ... fan site ;/
sorry for my english