Looking for a freelancer Looking for a freelancer


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Looking for a freelancer

Started by paquets, November 05, 2012, 05:09:54 PM

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I'm looking for a freelancer to update a plugin that I already had programmed on adpharm.net and also to possibly create new ones for the same site. If interested, please respond this post and include how I can get a hold of you.

Thank you!

Jeff Bailey

Please include a budget and some details about the plugin.

<!--Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.5.10 (stable)-->
You should upgrade as well.
Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. - Henry Ford


Hello Jeff and thank you for following up.

It's a plugin that allows certain albums to show thumbnails and intermediate pages of specific albums to guests, although the configs are set-up so only registered users can view images. What I'd like added is an extra feature that would allow to see only thumbnails for other albums that could be chosen from the admin section.

So basically I could, for specific albums give access to "thumbnail and intermediate image" and to others "thumbnail only" and for the rest of the gallery, users would need to be logged-in. This is very similar to access that can be given to groups but applied to albums instead.

I don't have a budget per se, but if any one is interested, I could send privately the plugin itself and that person could give me an idea of cost.

Thank you!


Hello gain,

I've found help for this project. Thank you!