Odd Custom menu link behaviour in Curve Theme 1.5.24 Odd Custom menu link behaviour in Curve Theme 1.5.24


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Odd Custom menu link behaviour in Curve Theme 1.5.24

Started by TeraS, June 22, 2013, 09:52:08 PM

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I've upgraded from 1.5.20 to 1.5.20 and have added a custom menu link through the Config options. Having done so the following appears next to my custom menu link in the Curve Theme:

{CUSTOM_LNK_ICO}Succubus.Net Site Hub

Can someone point me at where I need to add this or remove this in the theme?

My gallery is at: http://succubus.net/gallery/index.php

The link itself works and I am not having menu icons appear in the theme, it is selected as NO in the options shown.

Any help is appreciated!


old thread, but maybe i can help.

it's always recommended to create a custom theme to edit rather than changing original themes.

In the "curve" theme sub folder go to the theme.php file on line 674 {CUSTOM_ICO} needs to be changed to {CUSTOM_LNK_ICO}. save file and upload. this should take care of the missing icon on your custom link. by default this loads the "online[.png]" icon. you can check the list of available icons in the root /images/icons directory and pick one that you may like better or create you own and upload it and simply change the name in your php file to the name of the icon you like. DO NOT include file extension when renaming.


'{CUSTOM_LNK_ICO}' => cpg_fetch_icon('online',1), *comment:online.png is file this line will fetch*

change to:

'{CUSTOM_LNK_ICO}' => cpg_fetch_icon('info',1), *comment:info.png is file this line will fetch*

