Making my 1.4.x theme work with 1.5.24 Making my 1.4.x theme work with 1.5.24


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Making my 1.4.x theme work with 1.5.24

Started by jksobonya, September 18, 2013, 02:36:10 AM

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Hi all!

I'll come right out and admit it: I have not updated my Coppermine database/files in a long time! (Don't kill me please! :P)

I recently upgraded one of my Coppermine galleries from 1.4.16 to 1.5.24. Everything appeared to update as it should, but after I finished installing the files & went to my gallery, I got a "Template error" message and the gallery would not load. Panic sets in! After reading the "theme upgrade" docs a little closer, I realized that my problem was my web site's theme, specifically the theme.php file, which was causing the errors I was receiving. I updated that file, as well as theme.html and style.css, and now the gallery is up and running (yes!!) but there are a few things that don't work or look as they did before. Some advice on how to correct the following would be greatly appreciated!

Other information: the theme I am using is grey-style-20, shown here:
Link to gallery:

1) On the home page (and elsewhere): The 'Last Additions' area shows the picture views and the date added on the same line. I would like the picture views to display below the image, a break, and then the date added.

2) The Category list on the home page: I would like a line break between the link to each category and the text that describes the category.

3) When you click a category to view the albums, the album hits are not displaying; the text that shows is {ALB_HITS}. How can I modify this to show the album hits? Example:

4) When I click a medium-size image to view the full-size image, the full-size image does not display. Example: . Why is that?

5) When viewing an album, there are links for the following:


I can't tell what these are or where they are supposed to link to, or if I even need them? Example:

Thanks in advance for your help!



Please attach your whole theme as zip file to your next reply.



The grey-style-20 theme is attached.




Open your theme's style.css file, find
.tableh2 {
        /*background: #D1D7DC ;*/
        color : #000000;
        padding-top: 3px;
        padding-right: 10px;
        padding-bottom: 3px;
        padding-left: 10px;

and below, add
should fix issue 1 and 2.

To fix issue 3, open theme.php and comment or delete the whole function theme_display_album_list.

To fix issue 4, open theme.php, find
        '{CUSTOM_HEADER}' => $custom_header,
and replace with
        '{CUSTOM_HEADER}' => $custom_header,
        '{JAVASCRIPT}' => theme_javascript_head(),
        '{MESSAGE_BLOCK}' => theme_display_message_block(),

To fix issue 5, open theme.php and comment or delete the whole function theme_display_thumbnails.


Thank you for your prompt response!

Following your instructions, 1, 2, and 4 have been resolved.

3 and 5 are a little more complex, so I'll look at those later tonight & respond if I have any trouble.




They're not more complex than the other instructions. You could also just rename those functions to some unused function names like _theme_display_album_list and _theme_display_thumbnails.


Quote from: Αndré on September 18, 2013, 04:34:25 PM
They're not more complex than the other instructions. You could also just rename those functions to some unused function names like _theme_display_album_list and _theme_display_thumbnails.

Good idea! I'll do that for the time being. 3 & 5 are now resolved! Perfect!

Everything is looking great.  :D  I'm reviewing the site for anything else that may seem out of place, and there are a few small things I'm noticing, if you don't mind taking a look at these as well:

6) When viewing an album, the Tile, Date, File Name, and Position tools to the right of the album name look like they have extra spacing around them. Can we remove some of that spacing?

7) When viewing an album with multiple pages, or a category with multiple pages, the "Previous" and "Next" links are inside rather large squares, much larger than the individual page/category numbers. Can we make Previous/Next links be the same size as the individual page/category numbers?

8 ) This is incredibly minor, but I'll mention it anyway: when viewing an album, the headings for the navigation, album name, and album information (ex. 48 files on 4 pages), are all different font sizes. Where are each of these font sizes controlled so I can play with them?

Here is an example of all these issues for your review:




6) Open wp-style.css, find
and delete it. This will affect all images.

7) Should be already better with the above fix. Additionally, open style.css, find
.navmenu img {
        margin-top: 1px;
        margin-right: 5px;
        margin-bottom: 1px;
        margin-left: 5px;

and replace with
.navmenu img {
        margin: 0;
        width: 12px;
        height: 12px;

8) I suggest to install the Firefox add-on "Firebug", which tells you which CSS classes are responsible. I used it to solve quite all of your issues.