Problem uploading image Problem uploading image


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
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Problem uploading image

Started by aadvandijk, October 22, 2014, 12:18:19 AM

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I have just started to use cpg1.5 and am trying to upload my first pic's. However, even a small photo of 222kB won't load and gives me the following error message:

Kritische fout
Niet in staat de verkleinde afbeelding of de afmetingen van de afbeelding aan te passen.

Translation: Critical error / not able to adjust the smaller image or the dimensions of the picture.

Can anyone help me with this problem? I have tried to find it in the documentation but can't find a solution.

I'm using Versio as my webhost.

Thanks in advance for your help.



That error is an indication that CPG (using both standard system calls and its own methods) doesn't recognize the file as a standard image file (e.g gif,jpg,png). If you are uploading such standard image file types, they seem to not be getting to the server in a recognizable fashion.


Please post a link to your gallery and a test user account with upload privileges (no admin account!):


I'm having issues when uploading on my Coppermine driven gallery

The text of the error message:
Critical error: not able to adjust the smaller picture or the dimensions of the picture

Here's the test user account data:
    Username: TESTER
    Password: TESTER

Thanks in advance for your suggestions


Please enable debug mode for everyone.

Next time, please reply to your existing thread instead of starting a new one. Thanks.


done (sorry, will do next time)


In the config, please change the resize method to something different (GD2/ImageMagick) and try again.

Does batch-add works as expected?


thanks a lot! this did the trick. It's now working okay, also batch upload. Thanks again.


What was your old setting and what's the new setting that works now as expected?