idea: language support for descriptions of categories and album idea: language support for descriptions of categories and album


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idea: language support for descriptions of categories and album

Started by photoexposer, July 08, 2004, 08:44:13 PM

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I like the multi language support of coppermine :)
getting  language support for descriptions of categories and album would make cpg look like much more professional. (I do not mean images.. only cats and albums)

It looks funny.. a complete english menu structure, but the descriptions in german ;)

If a language ist not available, fall back to the default language (config)

Dev-Team.. what do you think



I can't see how you could do this, without resticting album/category names and descriptions to a finite number, or creating language files that resemble Roget's Thesuarus.
Most admins write in the language of the majority of their users, and at the moment, have complete control of abum and cat names and descriptions.  Most would not welcome losing this.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


cats & albums do have an index numbers ?!
of course, like me .. I am using my native language..
but what if I offer different languages.. I would like to offer the description for these people in their language (if I am able to do so)
I dont see/ get your point at the moment.. loosing the complete control..? they do not, even more, they would get more flexibility.. if I have a variety e.g. 5 different languages I am able to write 5 different descriptions, one in english, german, french, a.s.o. for each cat & album.

Example: I write german, german would be my default-language in the config. If I do not add a description in english, cpg would fall back to the default-language-description, because the english version is missing... in this example = german allthough a user selects "english" flag to get the menues in english

I just made up an new album and changed it .. cpg tells me..:Aktualisiere Album '20' mit Titel 'test11' und Index '100'
so the 20 is a unique number.. (or does this change?) a language-description could be tight to album 20.
Am I wrong ?

cu Thomas


Ok, I see what you mean, to have the ability for the admin to create the name/description in more than one language.
(I thought you meant to use the langage files  :-[)
I think there was a hack done for this on an earlier version, by someone who runs a blog site in portuguese and english, but that was some time ago.

It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


thank you. I read the thread. To be honest... sound good, but it is a hack and will not be supported from the dev-team
that means, every time I update the scripts I have to check if the hack is still intact.
well, it is more comfortable (& secure) to let cpg like it is. _maybe_ some time cpg will get that feature
there are other request which are more important
cu Thomas