upgrade from 1.5, installer and Google index - Page 2 upgrade from 1.5, installer and Google index - Page 2


CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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upgrade from 1.5, installer and Google index

Started by littbarski, October 13, 2018, 10:05:49 AM

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If everything is running okay, then I guess there is no reason to do anything else. If there are problems, then it didn't get installed correctly and should be re-installed.

If you installed CPG1.6 and then reloaded a database backup over it ... this would have been a wrong thing to do.

It's really a simple procedure:
- back up your files and database if you choose (not to be needed/used unless by some small chance you want to revert to CPG1.5)
- place the installer_stub in the root folder of your installation
- run the installer_stub
- done; enjoy your CGP 1.6.x gallery


thank you again for all your help. As said at the beginning, it's great to have such an image gallery you can use and also change (themes etc.) that easily. I like it to have control over my website and its files (not the case in many easy website builders).

so I will leave it as it is, as it works fine. to repeat what I did (perhaps interesting for anyone reading this): I wanted to upgrade from 1.5.20 to 1.6. The upgrader.php did not work, perhaps because of plugins, perhaps because of some of the many adaptions I made to the theme and options. So I copied the old (working) 1.5.20 to a new directory in FTP, connected it to a new database where I imported before the old (working) database of 1.5.20. Then I copied all 1.6 files from GitHub via FTP into the new directory I created for the new Coppermine version. Then I startet update.php and everything works fine (except some FTP copy errors which were perhaps not even errors).

As I like, as mentioned, to change some things in the Coppermine gallery, I also notice which functions I don't need.

so my last question is for kind of "clean up" now: when everyhing with install or upgrade of a Coppermine gallery is fine, can I just delete the php functions in FTP I don't need? I don't want to delete a lot or things I don't know anything about, just the basic features I DON'T use like:

I don't use them and there is no UI options for them in my gallery. So is it ok to delete those file then in my FTP folder?