Onlinestats stopped counting visitors/onliners Onlinestats stopped counting visitors/onliners


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Onlinestats stopped counting visitors/onliners

Started by Hanna., June 15, 2019, 05:27:39 PM

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I have been frustrated for days - trying to figure out why the onlinestats plugin keeps showing only 1 guest and never more (I know because I have linked to my coppermine from multiple media that normally would give like 25 guests minimum) when I have had up to 75 on the count.

I deleted and uploaded again but it did not do anything.

How to fix this please?


Can I assume that this is at KristenDaily?

Have you tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it? (that's different than just replacing files)


This concerns all my sites actually, and same goes with the Wordpress visitor counter too (WP Stats). Could it be something across platforms? My host switched me over to new server/IP. what do I need to do?

and yes I deleted and cleared the data, and installed again but nothing changes...


It would seem that your host may be using a proxy setup. CPG (and WP) would be seeing every thing as if it was coming from the same IP address. If not because of a proxy situation then there is something in the server configuration that is causing REMOTE_ADDR not to be provided to running PHP apps.


Did you get this resolved? If so, it would have been nice for you to share with the community.

Was there maybe a CloudFlare proxy?


Indeed it was! Cloudflare feature "Under Attack" made it so the onlinestats couldn't read.