Missing some level of images Missing some level of images


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Missing some level of images

Started by theparkside, July 22, 2019, 04:39:40 PM

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Good day,
I have a (very) long lived CPG install (originally v1.3.2, iirc) that I updated recently from 1.5.22 to
Upgrade was fairly smooth!

I can't recall if this issue existed in 1.5.x or not, but I am currently missing the 'mid-size' thumbnail (not sure what the official term for it is).
The small thumbnails all seem to be fine and the full images are also fine, it's just the medium sized thumbs that are missing while browsing inside an album (http://photo.theparkside.net/thumbnails.php?album=76) or looking at a specific item (http://photo.theparkside.net/displayimage.php?album=76&pid=3534#top_display_media).

Any thoughts?
Is there a way to regenerate those thumbs?


Your intermediate images are there ... but are being displayed as 1px by 1px.
Check all your configuration settings. Also, disable any plugins that may be interfering.


Any tips on what section of the config that might be in?
I checked through most of them and didn't see anything likely.

I only have 3 installed:

CoreH5A Upload (upload_h5a): v1.1
CoreSWF Upload (upload_swf): v1.0
CoreSGL Upload (upload_sgl): v1.0


Pretty strange! Displays okay with the sample theme!

You may have a corrupt include/themes.inc.php or include/functions.inc.php file.


Version checker doesn't complain about those two, hmm.
I'll fiddle with the theme selection and see what happens  :)


It looks like I'm missing some button icons too maybe?
On an album view I get some 1x1 spots where buttons for 'album properties and 'parent catagory' etc should be.


Ah, found the setting that enabled the button icons.

Doesn't want to seem to change themes now though, which seems off.
Version checker still says all my files are fine (except 1).


Ah, if I edit the ?theme= in the URL it will change themes when I browse it.
It looks like the Intermediate images only shows up in the 'sample' theme though?
Tried 3-4 others and they wouldn't show it.


I was having a problem with the mid-size images not displaying in displayimage.php for albums in one category (other albums had normal function).   After reading this post I noticed that I was getting the 1 pixel images in those albums.   

While looking for configuration issues I turned off the 'Insert a transparent overlay to minimize image theft' setting, because I already watermark my images, and poof!   no more display problem.

I still have no idea why this affected some albums and not others.


Thanks for that tip!
I turned that option off, just for fun.

It now seems like it doesn't want to change themes at all though.
No matter what I set in the config, it displays the same and manually editing the ?theme= in the URL isn't doing anything now either.


Nevermind the comment about themes.
Looks like they're updating now for some reason.